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Leaking nuke sub in HNL
Thought I'd pass this link along to an Assoc. Press article I just read on Yahoo's about how the Japanese are in an uproar over a Pearl Harbor-based nuclear sub that has been leaking radiation for at least 2 years! Here's the link:

HNL media apparently are oblivious, just like they were when a bomb exploded in the early 1990s aboard an international UAL flight into HNL, killing a Japanese teen. Evidence during the trial of the Al Qaida operative who masterminded the first World Trade Center bombings revealed that he was responsible for the UAL bombing as he was practicing getting bombs aboard planes.
KGMB did report about this on Aug. 1st.

In the other story you mentioned,

Are you mentioning the 1980's instead of 90's?

The trial was in the 90's.

But the incident occured in 82, and the internet wasn't as much of a tool as it is today. I bet in 1982 there was some print media of the incident, however, in the 90's that is still pre 9/11 and much of the world didn't even know of Al Qaida.

Aug. 11, 1982
A bomb exploded aboard a Pan Am plane en route from Tokyo to Hawaii, killing one and injuring 15. The plane landed safely despite the blast, which occurred about 140 miles out from Hawaii. A Greek court convicted a Palestinian terrorist in 1992.

Thanks though for filling me in on something that I didn't know about.[Wink] Weird how the media is selective of what they choose to cover.

Hunter Bishop informed me the HNL Advertiser covered the nuke sub issue on Aug. 1 and 2. I normally check the HNL papers online and don't recall seeing this story. My error, sorry. Mea culpa, HNL media. And thanks for the followup, Damon.
the leak from that sub was about the least of any concern of anything anyone could trump up. If you want to see the most pristine ecological systems in the Pacific, you must sneak into the areas that they nuked. Then you will discover the damage one pinhead with an anchor and a diesel engine can cause. Amazing that it's worse than a megaton blast, but, well. . .I don't make up the data, I just preach it.
Fitz that last comment went wayyyyy over my head. Any clarification available?? Mahalo

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Mella, JW might be referring to this

He might also be referencing the UXO's at Kahoolawe.

But the bigger question to me... is why does everyone keep calling him Jay?[:o)]


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