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Angel Pilago in the Heart of Hilo - It was good!
Aloha Pilago Supporters!

This Pilago for Mayor Hilo event on September 1st. Labor Day!

Where: Hilo Women's Club,7 Lele Street, Hilo (across Carvalho Park) Up Waianuenue toward the Hilo Hospital

September 1st, 2 pm to 5 pm

What: Talk Story, Food, Entertainment

Hilo is a tough neighborhood for Angel. Hilo is used to picking it's mayors from close at hand.

Angel needs help and support in his Hilo effort.

Make calls, talk to friends, talk to your Hilo friends and contacts especially. Attend the Sept.1 event.

Shows of support matter. Being there matters. Donating Matters.....

At this time I understand that there are matching funds available from Campaign Finance for Angel's campaign.

Angel is a community candidate, not special interests, so he needs community support.

Another thousand dollars or so is needed in this filing period to qualify for $15,000.00 in matching campaign funds.

I sent in $100.00, it's all I can afford right now. Can you? $10? $25? $50?

Every little bit counts. This is an important election for the Big Island.
Our Mayoral and council races are not abut Iraq, they are not about Washington D.C.
they are about the place where we live. Our Puna. Our Hawaii Island.

Local politics is where the rubber meets the road.

Go to: right side column is donation Paypal link:

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
We're going down early to help set up.

This is an important Pilago for Mayor event in Hilo and your presence in support is encouraged.

Even if you are not committed to Angel it will be a good opportunity to hear Angel speak, talk to Angel and his wife Nita.

Bring your questions and participate in this event.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
I'm helping set up too!

Great crowd at this gathering today.
Lots of positive attitude -- maybe even the beginning of anticipation?

...still much work yet to be done. Smile

Sam Masilimoney (himself a Mayoral candidate) was there and encouraged everybody to vote for Angel!

A few discussions on the side were very much about the need to GET OUT THE VOTE. Lots of people have registered, now the turn out is critical.

With the walk-in voting beginning September 8, there are great opportunities to give people rides to vote. Take a friend to the elections office in Pahoa or in Hilo and VOTE!

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
It was a very good event and afternoon well spent. While my wife and I came to support Angel Pilago we were pleased to see. meet and talk to so many other candidates too... Anthony Marzi, Bob & Julie Jacobson all gave good speeches on island issues and support for Angel. Kale Gumapac, and I did not know this before, is a skilled guitar player and singer. Kale provided some wonderful singing and island songs. Kale needed to be reminded to promote himself...

A woman named Lynn Nakkim is running for State House District 1. A good speaker and an excellent comedienne. Lynn did a hilarious spoof on a county employee taking complaints over the phone..... "You need to register your car? Where do you live? Orchidland? You need no registration in Orchidland!" She was funny.

But Angel Pilago was and is the main attraction. We need someone strong, honest, skilled and committed in the mayor's office. Angel, and a progressive council, can shepherd the Big Island into a secure future. We need to make a break with the good ole boy system and bring it back to the community. Angel can do that. With your help.

Hook up with us - Puna for PIlago - and let's work this election and bring it home....

we begin walking the neighborhoods this week. Join us please.



PS I forgot to mention how much I enjoyed the Hula.... the women were skilled dancers who sang along and their smiles did shine. The musicians were excellent too... wonderful voice.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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