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Bad weather on its way.
Pslamont - I was still kinda shaken up when I posted and even though I scanned the other posts for lightening news didn't see yours.
Yes, we had the same experience up here at the summit. After an unusually loud boom I peeked out the window just as the porch lit up with flash of did seem to be right over head and with less than a second between lightening and thunder, you know that's close. Power went off and back on right away. My son has a UPS and had shut down his computer and unplugged it. Mine went down but I didn't want to go near it (in front of the window) to unplug it. We sat in the hall util the time between lightening and thunder expanded. I'm used to lightening that lights up a room but man this thunder was really boooming...It would be interesting to find out how close it was and to others. Last year it was striking people's yards and homes in HPP (a friend of mine there got a big zap when opening her fridge).
I was trying to be brave and work through it but when the big boom shook my chair I FLEW into the hall and stayed there with my son and one of our cats who joined us till it passed LOl Was your Internet down? We were offline ALL day.

"Taking you to the Heart of Hawaii"
"Taking you to the Heart of Hawaii"
I thought I edited, but my original's still there. Sorry bout that! See I don't stop by for months,and then I mess things up.
"Taking you to the Heart of Hawaii"
wow im still alive!! that massive bolt shook the house so hard i thought one of the big swamp mahogany had finally hit the house...up here in Mt. View it was a wild ride all nite, now this morning lovely blue skies.... hope it is past and everyone is alright...


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