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Cruise ship spotting
There has been one every day for the last few days! The one last night left at 6:40, just after we got home from Cronies where we were watching the election results. We had a bottle of Dom that the sellers left us and decided it was a good night to celebrate, so we toasted to the Cruise Ship and Obama and to our new house and to life in Hawaii. Another ship (barge?) was waiting with a tug boat as soon as the Cruise Ship left. The waiting Ship and the tug had a lot of lights on them too. I cannot see it at the docks now, nor did I see it leave this morning (I hae been up since 4) so it must be in a place that we cannot see clearly. We are on Paukaa Point and can only see 3/4 of Hilo Harbor from here.

Also,yesterday afternoon we had a pod of about 40 dolphins right in front of our house. They frolicked and spun out of the water for about half an hour before leaving. It was really something to see them!

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

Devany Vickery-Davidson
East Bay Potters

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