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Domino's pizza closes stores on Big Island
Originally posted by Jon
I heard Pizza Hawaii at the Malama Market was already closed.

Yep! GONE - it seemed like overnight the place was stripped and Poof!

I am one of the lucky ones who has rarely had to suffer bad pizza more than once - Domino's, Pizza Hut or the Malama Market - my wife also has the talent to make a mean pizza - ask the guys who cleared our lot - she made them one and the next day they offered to buy the ingredients for her to make another!

Time will tell - I'm listening?
Time will tell - I'm speaking?
boogie woogie has a great pesto pizza! I will miss Pizza Hawaii - they were really yummy. (Albeit very $$$$)

Carrie Rojo

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Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
QUOTE:;"a misspelling of Polak or Polack; in English, this is a derogatory reference to people who are Poles or have Polish heritage."

Funny. Growing up, it never dawned on me that it was derogatory - and my Mom's maiden name ended in "ski". Different times I guess.

Sadly, she didn't make great pizza. Sad


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
I am not at all a fan of Dominos but I feel it is sad when a company that has been here for 20 years goes out of buisness. I realize that this was a franchise and this person also had to run his business within certain constraints.He was quoted in the paper saying that his electric bill was higher than his rent, but what really killed him was the economy, people were just not eating out so much, or as I think he said, not buying so much fast food. I am sure it was a combination of issues. It is just sad for Hawaii when so many businesses are closing doors. It is not good for the local economy or employment possibilities.

I make pizza all of the time, but there are times when I do not want to wash dishes, make dough, make sauce or shred cheese, let alone make a fire in the wood burning oven. It is kind of nice to just dial up a number and have someone bring me a pizza on those rare occasions.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

Devany Vickery-Davidson
East Bay Potters
Devany there are very few places on this island where you can get any kind of food delivered. Generally folks have to go to town to get pizza.

Pizza is a really easy food to make and it is fun to have pizza parties. Get a recipe for French bread (it isn't hard, flour, water & yeast is basically it). Make the dough, give everyone a chunk of dough and let them spread it out on a pie pan. I use spaghetti sauce for the pizza sauce since that is easy, then let everyone put their own toppings on each pizza and bake in a hot oven (400 degrees) until they are done.

It is also easy enough to make two big pizzas instead of one and then you can freeze the second one for later.

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