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Alzheimer's Workshop?
I have been an Alzheimer's Educator for years and would like to start conducting some community education classes which would be free with donations graciously accepted. Later on I want to cover diabetes and AIDS. Does anyone know where I might hold these sessions where there wouldn't be a charge? I'm thinking of doing the first one in January after the holidays. I've been here for 10 weeks and it's time to start giving to the community. I see that there is a need for community education. The donations will help cover printing costs, advertising, and refreshments.
Linda, RN
kudos to you, sweetwater! our mother suffers from the ailment. we've been caring for her the last 7 years or so. had to move out of our home and move back here. caring for a parent or anyone else who is hadicapped/disabled will either pull the family together or divide them completely. unfortunately, a lot of times it's the latter. family caregivers are the most underappreciated and underpaid (lucky if you do get paid) service providers. here's a piece from the national cancer institute's website called, "caregiver's bill of rights." author unknown. it was in this morning's honolulu advertiser.

"i have the right to take care of myself. this is not an act of selfishness. it will give me the ability to take better care of my loved one.

i have the right to seek help from others even though my loved one may object. i know the limits of my own endurance and strength.

i have the right to maintain parts of my own life tht do not include the person i care for, just as i would if he were healthy. i know that i do everything tht i reasonably can do for this person. i have the right to do some things just for myself.

i have the right to get angry, be depressed and express difficult feelings once in a while.

i have the right to get consideration, affection, forgiveness and acceptance for what i do for my loved one, as i offer these in return.

i have the right to thake pride in what i'm doing and i have the right to applaud the courage it has taken to meet the needs of my loved one.

i have the right to protect my individuality. i also have the right to a life that will sustain me in times when my loved one no longer needs my full time help."

and, it should include: the right to get paid for these services just like other hired caregivers and for financial institutions to recognize this form of income as just that income.

i believe you said you were working at the red cross as an instructor for CNA certification? would they be able to offer a room there for the classes?

"chaos reigns within.
reflect, repent and reboot.
order shall return."

microsoft error message with haiku poetry
"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

My son is Vice President of Public Information for AMFAR (American Foundation for Aids Research). When you are ready to do the AIDS/HIV portion of education, if there are any materials I can acquire through him, I would be happy to do so. Also, I am an RN (Licensed in California but not Hawaii) and can possibly assist.

Glad to have someone else onboard for providing community service.

Aloha, Pam
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"

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