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HPPOA Management
I am reserving final judgement on this decision until the promised disclosure by Jeff and/or the Board. I have not seen Kaniu Stocksdale's resume, so I do not know her qualifications. The fact that she has sought political office in the past has naturally intensified the scrutiny, IMHO.

Hindsight being 20/20, it might have been better (if legally possible) to have declared exceptional circumstances and lifted the cloak of executive session at the time the choice was made. That might have dampened some of the understandable feelings that there was an "inside deal." As a fairly frequent attendee at Board meetings, I am fully aware of the by-law requirement for personnel matters to be processed privately. A question which I do feel is fair to be asked is whether or not Ms. Stocksdale recused herself from debate and voting on her appointment.

As the Chairman of a Board Committee (Neighborhood Watch,) I have recently had occasion to do some work in the HPPOA office. I can tell you all that on every recent occasion I was at the office, there were Board members working on their own time to try to get the office re-organized and on a more business-like footing. As someone who has managed businesses for over 20 years, I can tell you all that there were some big problems there that even a casual observer would have to acknowledge. Whether hiring Ms. Stocksdale was the best solution remains to be seen in my opinion.

The Board has made a lot of progress in terms of openness and owner involvement in discussion and decision making. I really hope that when the explanations are put forward, they are comprehensive and address the legitimate concerns voiced on this forum and elsewhere. I don't agree with every decision the Board has made, and I have made critical remarks in public meetings, so I am not an apologist. I think the questions posed concerning both the process and candidate qualifications need to be answered fully.

Jerry, I agree, we should not pass judgement until we hear the facts. But we keep hearing about the devastation, evil doings, and destructive behaviour of the HPPOA office staff but we never hear actual facts. What is going on?

As an owner of 3 properties in HPP posts such as yours above worry me. And your posts are among the few I read with great interst because you convey facts and well formed views.

Since the new board took over we have been promised more transparency. There have recently been meetings and decisions made about the paving and bond issues. While I appreciate the bylaws dictate we can only see minutes of meetings 30 days after there been no minutes published of the April 1, April 15 and May 5 meetings. Perhaps I am jumping the gun regarding the May 5 meeting, but the previous 2? And even though minutes cannot be published, can we not hear "informally" what was discussed and what decisions were made.

Jeff, if you do read this, please note we do appreciate you have a lot to deal with, but if you could inform us on the HPP website or forum as to the progress with the paving contract and bond issues, and how the choice of the new GM (whom so many seem to be so opposed) was made, I'm sure that would help put our minds to rest.

Oink......excellent deduction in the first part of your 5/28 post (thanks, as I didn't have discuss something that happened in executive session).
Barbara ....wait until the BOD meeting and it will be 100% clear regarding position of GM. If Oink is correct, then most of the deductive reasoning posted here becomes speculation and not relevant to the actual facts..
Jerry.....Items discussed in executive cannot be discussed period. .
Youser.....Motion will be presented at next BOD meeting to supply meeting summaries within days of the occurrence of any regular BOD meeting on a re-vamped web site for all to see. Included in the re-vamp will be an ongoing update/history of paving actions. Exception is executive sessions by mandate of rules of conduct.
Barbara…….Same person writing checks was doing the accounting. Yes we leveraged an independent contractor that does nothing but accounting on our current accounting software ( Qiuck Books) . Now we have an audit system .that has never been in place before. Yes…this independent contractor did contract with companies I’ve owned, but here’s a surprise, she has done this work for dozens of companies in Puna.. Committee review / endorsement are certainly not needed when there is a unanimous BOD vote.

Again….I would ask that everyone waits for full disclosure, but I will say that we will all have a better administrative system, at a substantially reduced cost to HPPOA, along with a enhanced audit process in place.


Mahalo Jeff.

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