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good local energy read

from the new york times... a good read

This is so great to see. I understand that Hawaii is redirecting some of it's tourism advertising spend trying to get green/alternative energy dollars from research and convention travel. The most recent Hawaii Business Magazine also had some interesting articles on this subject. Mahalo for the post!

Bullwinkle...Dude! You always find the stories.
Ever think of starting a blog? or even being a reoporter?
You got the knack.

This report makes me realize that grid electrical is nearly obsolete.
I only wish I could affort to go off the grid now.
Maybe next year.
I've cut my power usage until my Helco bill is under 80$ a month.
Still that's too much. IMO it a rip off. I'm only running a fridge full time. Power tools intermittently during the day.I hardly use lights at night. I only watch TV for a couple hours in the evening...News, Two and A Half Men, Big bang Theory. Oh and my PC.

What a rip.

One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.

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