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Daytime HPP burglary, 23DEC, on 19.

Friends who live near the house which was burglarized say police came around asking about any unusual activity observed on 19 (Manako) between Paradise and Makuu. Sometime around mid-day on 23DEC a house in the vicinity was burglarized. Police said the homeowners were away at the time and had left all the doors and windows locked except for a small bathroom window, which was the point of entry. This is everything related about the incident; my friends (who are not on Punaweb) said they'd appreciate note being made here about this burglary in case anyone reading here happened to notice anything between 10am and 2pm that day. Please contact the police with a tip, if so.

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Sita Sings the Blues opening track (the first 5 minutes)

Todd Michaelsen's outstanding original music for the film is available via

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Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!

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I'm sorry to hear about this. Thank you for the information.
Our crime statistics in HPP have been looking much improved over the last two or three months, but based on unofficial reports I have been receiving, December will not look as good, although it probably won't be as bad as some of the summer period. Neighborhood Watch is a way to protect your area, and we are still setting up Block Watches around HPP. We just had a training session for a new group on 17th two weeks ago, and would be happy to do a dozen or two more. Contact us at To see stats and maps showing the past six month's criminal acctivity, go to our website .
Hi Alaskasteven :
I am curious to know if the people who were robbed had a dog or not. Thank you.

I wondered about this, too. The info comes via purely via that which police told my friends while the cops were going door to door checking around after the burglary report down the street; the police did not say anything more than it happened mid-day and entry was made through a bathroom window with all other doors and windows locked and owners away. My friends say they do not think those folks down the street have a dog, but do not know for sure.

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Sita Sings the Blues opening track (the first 5 minutes)

Todd Michaelsen's outstanding original music for the film is available via

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Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!

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They were burgled, not robbed.
Glen was uncharacteristically brief, and must have been too busy to give a full response.[Wink] Robbery is the forcible taking of something from an individual in a face to face situation. When a weapon is used, it is armed robbery, and when no weapon is used it is sometimes called "strong-arm" robbery. In either case, violence is either directly implied or actually takes place. Mercifully, robbery is quite rare in HPP, and I don't even remember the last time we had an actual robbery here. Burglary is entering a building and stealing items. Burglary is the number one crime concern that we deal with at Neighborhood Watch.

No offense meant to anyone, but calling burglaries robberies is not just technically incorrect. It is an inadvertant form of fear-mongering, and things are bad enough without exaggeration.

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