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StillHope ???
I am only posting because this is still at the top of the list and my post won't bump it up again. I think that it is time for this topic to fade into history. If no one bumps it up, it will.

Glen, I think that we can all start a new topic for you!

Aloha, Dan
I would like to thank everyone for being supportive or at least objective.
It's difficult to assume the best about a person who was in the past nothing but unfriendly in his responses to my posts.

Please,assume the best that I am telling the truth.

If you can not - I authorize Rob to give you my quotes.Just e-mail him.

"Unfriendly" - that's a very mild term for those quotes.

If you create a computer program to detect an offensive remarks,
pog's question wouldn't get detected.

But it was in the thread with my name on it and ???.

Sure it's safe to not say what you really think and respond only to "safe" topics.But if you dare to say the truth,you bet it always be

Can anyone create an "innocent question" and start a thread with someone's name and "???"

Will it last?
Depending if you have the moderator's support.

And I let everyone decide if pog already had that before he even started his "innocent question".

"I want to congratulate Stillhope.
She has turned a corner on Punaweb and after two thousand or so asked questions she is now starting to answer them.

Assume the best and ask questions.
Punaweb moderator"

My reply was :

(Actually I was answering questions even 2 years ago.)

Though Rob was not happy at the time with my point of view on the right of "good for the community" thing to destroy someone's peace in their own house to the point when a person can not sleep,

unlike pog,Rob was never insulting to me and more or less fair,
never created "StillHope???" tread[Smile]..

So it didn't feel friendly.But he was a kind of joking and I did the same.

That could have been the end of it.

But NO!- pug was lurking in the bushes![Big Grin]

(OK,assuming the best - he has never seen it.
And if it is the case - pog,accept my apology.No sarcasm.Really.

But the timing is kind of strange..)


"O.K.gotta ask" ,pog. (ASSUMING THE BEST).

What was the purpose of your question ?

It was asked the same day I posted on the garden forum ,BTW,continuing my "question"-post
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
One more thing,pog.
After I honestly answer your question (I am OK,just don't have questions at this time)

and let you know that even it was not your purpose,I feel singled out and already attacked(not by you),

Will you delete the thread?

Rob said that he will ask you.He still is trying to be fair

Will you?

Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Originally posted by Chuysmom

"What we have here, is a failure to communicate."


"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it." Galadriel - LOTR

Or was it ""OVER communicate""? I'm so confused must be high altitude sickness and getting clipped!

mella l

Paris London New York PUNA
mella l
Art and Science
Yeah, overcommunicate is correct. I don't think deletion is in order but I'm all for letting it fade into oblivion. I won't post on this again.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
When I was a small kid, we had one neighbor kid who - if you poked him, would sort of go "mmpfh", kinda slowly turn and look at you like "why did you do that?". Nobody really poked him all that often 'cuz it just wasn't that much fun. Now, on the other hand, one of the other neighbor kids, you could just pretend like you were even just thinking about poking him and he'd get all agitated, upset and vocal about the whole idea. He got poked A LOT! Draw your own conclusions. IMHO, I think the first kid was a lot further along in learning life skills.

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales."
Kurt Wilson

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales." 
Kurt Wilson
Hotzcatz,could you,please,delete this thread -it will get back on the bottom and might fade out as Oink suggested.

I asked pog to delete it if he didn't mean any harm.
The fact that he is not responding might mean 2 things :

1.He didn't get the message with a good reason.

2. I was right and and this a personal attack.

Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Well the Operating Committee think that, while this topic is about a 1 on a scale of 10 for conflict, it has probably gone on long enough. We haven't heard back from pog so we are locking it up. pog??? Whatever happened to pog?

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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