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Neighbors dogs got loose
Originally posted by punaticbychoice

Kill the damn dogs and apologize afterward.
There have to be direct consequences for these idiot owners too.
Let them go to Humane Society and get replacement dogs.
Adopt a pet.
That owner was negligent and is subject to the County leash and confinement law.

Does anyone consider what a dog must go through being tied up or locked inside a fence or cage their whole life? They are ANIMALS. They have natural instincts. Kill the damn dogs? For what? They get out, have a feel for some freedom, chase down something furry or full of feathers and our response is to take a bat to the dogs or kill them? Unbelievable. I highly doubt these dogs did it because they were hell bent on going on a murder spree.

It is an instinct. It is no different than a cat going after a mouse or gecko. Should we kill the cat for going on someone elses property and killing a mouse also? God, we might as well have a law to keep muzzles on ALL dogs period. Or how about shock collars for them all, or even one step further. A ban on dogs. Society will blame the animal for being just what it is, an animal. Sad

You've got a rifle nearby and through years of training, you know how to use it.

Some dogs have just cleared you fence and are heading for your sheep, goats, chickens, etc. who are free ranging on your 3 acre property. These animals have no where to go and are about to be viciously slaughtered.

Are you telling me that you don't open fire on the dogs?
-Veritas odium parit”(Terence 195–159 BC))-"Truth begets hatred".
What you're saying is even worse Cagary, the animal hasn't even done anything yet in your scenario. You give warning. Shooting a dog is not giving warning. Poisoning a dog is not giving warning. Use warning force and warning weapons. Then take some responsibility for your animal friends and build them a better fence.
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Churning this topic is getting really old. I am glad to hear that the dog owner manned-up and accepted responsibility. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Thanks for your clean closure (I hope) of this thread.
Have a happy safe holiday today everyone.

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