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Modern Roundabouts in Puna

There is a very important meeting of the Governor's Council of Advisors this Thursday night! We really have a great opportunity to learn about modern roundabouts from the federal point man on that subject, Eric Worrell. The Governor's Council of Advisors has seen fit to offer us this chance to really learn from an expert on the subject by asking Mr. Worrell to address this matter at their meetin on Thursday night at the Keaau Elementary School Cafateria from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. If you have questions or want to share your Mana`o with the Council and the Governor, please attend.

The natural resources of Puna are always at risk when it comes to building highways and new roadways in Puna. Do you know about modern roundabouts and their environmentally friendly effect on traffic pollution? Did you realize that a huge amount of traffic pollution is generated by the "Start/Stop" action of traffic in congested areas of our roadways and at signalized intersections? The cars that are waiting for the light to change put out much more exhaust than cars that are slowing down but still moving through a modern roundabout.

Don't know? Don't care? What is a modern roundabout anyway? Get your answers and ask your questions from a real expert on the subject at the Governor's East Hawaii Council of Advisors meeting on Thursday night. The Council was so moved by our attendance at the meeting in September at the Maku`u Marketplace, that they have invited the Federal expert on modern roundabouts to come to the Big Island and inform everyone about the use of this traffic calming and safety devise which can offer a real improvement to the choking mess that our traffic congestion burdens Puna with today. I hope we can all give our mana`o and learn what these simple eco-friendly intersection solutions offer.

Dr. Keola G.A. Downing, Ph.D.


Governor's East Hawai`i Council of Advisors
Contact: Dylan Nonaka, Governor's Liaison, East Hawai`i
75 Aupuni Street, Hilo, HI 96720
Telephone: 974-6262 Fax: 9746263
e-mail: Dylan.Nonaka@...

Meeting Announcement
Governor's East Hawai`i Council of Advisors February 2007 Meeting


At the September 2006 meeting of the Governor's East Hawai`i
Council of Advisors, at Maku`u Marketplace, 125 residents of Puna met to
express their manao on traffic hazard issues related to Highway 130,
the Kea`au – Pahoa Road. The message was clear:

"More cars moving faster on Highway 130 are NOT what Puna needs."

A consistent theme in the testimonies from Puna residents was traffic
crashes and traffic congestion at the intersections of: Shower Drive,
Kaloli Drive, Pohaku Drive, Paradise Road, Orchidland Road, Maku`u
Road, Ainaloa Road, Pahoa Town Entrance (Road A), Kahakai Blvd. and the
Leilani Estates Entrance.

PROBLEM: Intersection crashes account for more than 45 percent of all
crashes Nationwide.

SOLUTION: Roundabouts are a proven safety solution that prevent and
reduce the severity of intersection crashes.

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What is a roundabout?

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety: "Modern
roundabouts were developed in the United Kingdom in the 1960s and now
are widely used in many countries. The modern roundabout is a circular
intersection with design features that promote safe and efficient
traffic flow. At roundabouts in the United States, vehicles travel
counterclockwise around a raised center island, with entering traffic
yielding the right-of-way to circulating traffic. Entering vehicles
negotiate a curve sharp enough to slow speeds to about 15-20 mph.
Within the roundabout and as vehicles exit, slow speeds are maintained
by the deflection of traffic around the center island and the
relatively tight radius of the roundabout and exit lanes. Slow speeds
aid in the smooth movement of vehicles into, around, and out of a
roundabout. "

Surprisingly, residents of various Puna subdivisions served by Highway
130 voiced a great interest in modern roundabouts as a safe, efficient,
aesthetically pleasing solution for improving traffic conditions at
major intersections along Highway 130. A request from Puna residents
to find someone who could answer questions about modern roundabouts
resulted in the Governor's East Hawai`i Council of Advisors
choosing Mr. Eric Worrell, P.E., Engineer with the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) – Hawai`i Division, as their guest speaker
for the February 2007 Council meeting.

Mr. Worrell can tell us everything we need to know about roundabouts,
including the availability of Federal funding for roundabout
construction and how incorporating Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS)
principles in all aspects of the planning and the project development
process can improve the environmental quality of highways, including
corridors with multiple intersections such as Highway 130 and Highway


EVENT: Governors East Hawai`i Council of Advisors Monthly Meeting
DATE: February 22, 2007
TIME: 6:00pm – 9:00pm
LOCATION: Kea`au Elementary School Cafeteria
TOPIC: Roundabouts in Puna

Eric Worrell, Federal Highway Administration – Hawai`i


We encourage everyone to submit written testimony, with regards to
traffic hazards and traffic crashes along Highway 130 and Highway 11,
when you arrive at the meeting.

For more information about roundabouts, including a video about how
roundabouts work, please visit, the Insurance Institute for Highway
Safety Website, at the following URL:

Questions & Answers: Roundabouts
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Thanks Keola, By the way: You did a very good job on your Transportation group report. Thank you for the effort!

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