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Keaau 76 gas station closing
Only found out this evening and apologies if this is common knowledge, but the Keaau 76 gas station is closing. I popped in this evening on the way back from work and the shelves were very empty so spoke to a couple of the employees who said it would be replaced by a 7/11. They also added that they would have to reapply for a job at the new place.

Really sad, I've got to know many of the employees there over the years and they are such genuinely nice people (and they are always so complimentary about my English accent!). I hope they can find a new job soon and wish there was something I could do to help them.

Maybe Benny is getting ready to retire and is handing over the management of the store to 7-11 corp?
Looks like it closed last night....early evening yesterday (8/31) lights were out, but cars were still there.... tonight, lights out, nobody home & sign has no price per gal....
..and there is chain link fencing blocking all entries
So when is the 7 11 suppose to open?
Heard a little more - dont know if true or HA rumor... I guess Benny's son moved to Las Vegas and likes it there - young guy, single, grew up in Kurtistown so maybe it's for him now.

As I heard it yesterday, Benny wanted his son to take over, but like most father and son type businesses, the son has other interests. Cant blame him for wanting to pursue other things at this time in his life.

So probably Benny leased the space to 7-11 as he already has a relationship with them. He gets lease payments without the headache of running a business there.

He's a smart guy no doubt. Bought lots of land way back in the day, and finally getting to reap rewards from his hard work.

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