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Not-so-smart meters, int'l protest 10/4
I never understood how smart meters were an invasion of someone's privacy. I would think have a meter reader going across your backyard to read the meter would be a greater violation of privacy. The smart meter isn't going to take notes of what you might have in your backyard. It simply sends electricity usage.

Now, if people are really concerned about smart meters sending waves through their homes, cover the wall near the smart meter with a metal mesh or aluminium foil to block the waves. Metal reflects signals.

Yeah, My meter is on a screened porch and when the meter reader need access I had to leave it unlocked all the time. Now I can lock up when I want and the meter reader never enters the property. Okay by me.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
step on‌e = install smart meters to the grid

step two = chart charging higher rates for peak demand and lower rates for off demand.

seen it before overseas - one can even purchase a "green" electricity - at a higher rate............ brave new world

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