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Another shooting in Hilo
Maybe we can bring the NRA president back to Hilo to give a speech about how this wouldn't have happened if the shooter thought the cops might be carrying guns.
biggest issue imho - is that it spooks the cops in dealing with the rest of us..... saw one the other day directing traffic - with his free hand resting on his side arm - made me perk up as well..... all to make a right turn - grin
His free hand was resting on his sidearm because with it's position on his hip it interferes with the natural position of the arm at rest, but it does provides an acceptable platform on which to rest the arm/hand. However, that practice is not good for the holster and will cause it to wear out prematurely. Of course you're free to read whatever drama into the picture that you wish.

In Fla I just assumed there was a gun in every vehicle (and of course home) and took normal precautions. I did have to chastise a relative rookie transplant from a northern city for calling out on the radio "Signal 0" (armed) every time he saw a gun in a vehicle. Everyone initially thought something was going bad and would haul ass to his location only to find that, yes there was a gun in the car, so what! You assume there is a gun (usually legally) in every vehicle and just be careful and do your job. Don't call out in alarm unless it's a suspected bad guy with a gun.

Oh, real bright Rambler. Of course not every situation is solved by the armed citizen, or for that matter police. Get real!

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Just caught my eye as not very professional, the strap being off, hand on the grip sent a signal to me he was insecure and could be dangerous

(many cops are deeply insecure - studies show this insecurity draws many of them to the line of work - not wise to share this when pulled over however save it for the judge)

The guys with B*lls and emotional balance become fireman - ask them they will tell you the same - grin

the cop I came across telegraphed that insecure vibe very loudly in my opinion.

Interested in your opinion as to how many % handguns taken in a burglary end up being used against cops - seems to me easier to steal one than buy one in Puna

page 154 "personality traits" you can have a look for free at google books - this being one required textbook in many academies: from the academy textbook .... look it up at google books for free ..... have a good night

google books preview (free)
I'm sorry to interfere with your reality but the insecure ones are pretty much weeded out in the academy, during the psychological or during field training and probation. You can't be insecure and handle the diversity of calls, often alone, that are the daily grind. I've seen a few and they didn't last. Especially in more rural areas there are plenty of calls officers are dispatched to that the academy teaches are multiple officer calls, but in reality the officer must handle alone, or they will find someone that will.

The guys with B*lls and emotional balance become fireman - ask them they will tell you the same - grin
No, those are the ones behind the fire truck choking their chicken while watching the fire they started - grin

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Getting back to the original incident, I recall that the two cops that were shot were looking for someone involved in shots being fired shortly beforehand. Anyone know more about that part of the incident? I don't think I've seen or heard anything about that part of the story, but presumably someone was shooting at something or someone.

Getting back to the original post as well.

Where did the low level crimmies get the hand gun.

All too often they get stolen by some 17 year old kid in ( insert your favorite 2nd amendment subdivision here) I am afraid

and traded off for an ounce of pot -

we need to be aware and responsible, lock em up folks, dont keep em under your pillow with a mag lite strapped to the barrel.... (handy modification with a bit of electrical tape - taught this little mod by a Boise fire captain - who's daughter I was dating )

when you travel to the mainland assume your place open season, lock up the guns in a safe.....

- if it were my stolen fire arm that shot these cops I'd feel terrible, careless and responsible - you?

I would feel terrible and angry but neither careless or responsible. Currently I feel gullible for again responding to what is obviously bait.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.

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