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National Geographic Drugs Inc Hawaiian Ice
A long-ago neighbor of mine put it best:

You run out of weed at midnight, it's time for bed anyway, get some more tomorrow.

You run out of ANY speed-type drugs at midnight, YOU GOTTA GET MORE RIGHT NOW.

Okay, well those were made-up examples based on a composite of observations. I have smoked marijuana and I did inhale, deeply. When I have, I know from personal experience that I get wary, quite paranoid and mistrustful. I have seen this in others, to a degree, too. Most of the world handles it much better than I do, and, indeed, they function beautifully and, as you say Bullwinkle, are home for dinner. In the parlance, I think you say they are "high functioning". Some are amazingly energetic and high functioning. It just depends on the person. But the literature is pretty clear on this one issue though: a side effect of marijuana use is an increase in paranoia. Like many side effects, it does not occur in every person.

But the problem in Puna is ICE and not marijuana. No one functions well on ICE though for very long. I used to work in drug court and so am pretty good at recognizing the symptoms. I've seen some Wal-Mart cashiers compromised on this stuff. The pimply faces. The vacant look. The bad complexion.

Puna is kind of the Amsterdam of Hawaii. Anything goes. It is the beautiful thing about our area, really. But every beautiful thing has a downside, too, except for a diamond, I guess.

Come to think of it: A unpolished diamond can cut up up pretty bad and a polished one can be very expensive. Downsides to everything.

But when you love a place like I do Puna, you accept the downsides. Puna is not perhaps a diamond, but is at least a gorgeous geode. The focus on the druggie aspect of things ignores the beauty, the energy, the uniqueness, the barely tamed wildness, the mana of this special place and the very special people that live here. There is darkness here, too, but even that is often studded with stars. And every single day has both darkness and light. And every new day in Hawaii begins in Puna.

Set and Set ------ Mindset and the set (group of folks) one is with always key to a drug experience (or so they tell me - grin)

especially true of cannabis
"Puna is kind of the Amsterdam of Hawaii"

Not that I see - when were you last there?

Recently the Netherlands had to pass a law to keep (american) tourists from inbibing and making a "typical americano mess" their words - not mine.

The EU pushing a drug free agenda, US tourists (french and germans as well) just very obvious - in a low key culture. Amsterdan caught in the middle - something had to give.

(hint dont wear white tennis shoes or act like its a right to do drugs or that you know better than the dumb locals - many of which have advanced degrees - do that right and maybe the local cop will offer you a match if needed.)

As of now if you want to visit the Bulldog over at the Dam - bring a local ID..... If you are looking for meth - sorry

Speaking of the Bulldog - cool place to visit and buy a t shirt. Indulging in some of the local libations odd - the locals all younger than 25 - we old farts stand out like a sore thumb - I passed - set and set.......

Free heroin & counseling available from the gov't to keep one from stealing from old ladies or using dirty needles - talking about a nanny state! - and pragmatism all while reducing their youngsters drug usage rate well below ours - (nope its not Puna at 54 degrees north - grin)

Its the culture not the drugs that make a mess - back to set and set..... I hear Romney all ready dropped the dime on his neighbors in La Jolla........ the american way.....

(hint - want to get along - dont throw your neighbors under a buss over a non issue)

The neighborhood anxiously waiting his return - grin

edits = typing and talking on the phone again.....

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