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Snow on Mauna Kea!
Pog - I've no problem with people visiting the summit at all. It makes things difficult for the observatories for various reasons but the observatories don't own the summit, it's a public place. Before we went to remote operations I actually enjoyed talking to the summit visitors while I was outside checking conditions (and taking photos!) although occasionally it became tiresome:

"Do black holes really exist?"
"Have you seen any UFOs?"
"Are you up here every night?"

We've also rescued the odd visitor who had problems (health and car crashes) and in one very sad case tried to resuscitate a visitor who had a heart attack just outside our observatory but ultimately weren't successful (I wasn't there for that one, but we're all trained to try and help).

I'm sure mine is not the only opinion though.

Pog - Wink

Mahalo all for the great pics and links! So beautiful our Mauna Kea (got to see a glimpse of her a few times today).

It would behoove the public to be better informed on the health risks some may be taking when visiting the summit. There were quite a few calls to medics for people who couldn't breathe, having chest pains,etc. Somehow the message needs to get to our visitors (both local and from out of state)the basic health and safety parameters. My Papa and Tutu wouldn't let us go up there until we were 15!(That was long, long time ago. [Big Grin])

Second, after the potential health issues, the cost of all these 911 calls costs money (tax payer dollars).


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