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Flesh-eating bacteria Hawaii
I guess I'm stocking up on rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, and neosporin. I'll need to go look at some pictures of what early stages of infection looks like. Over here on the main land in my area of the North West I've never once in 36 years had an infected cut. But I've had 1000's of cuts. This website is such a great resource Smile
7S - this is from the Hot Pond closure thread, but has some of the info (water borne & non-water borne infectious agents in the Hon. Ad. article.... & lots of lovely pictures in the Maui presentation:

"here is a slightly older Honolulu Advertiser link, toward the middle it has some info on Ahalanui (& towards the end of the article there is info on the transmission of staph & strep - not water water borne, but through open wounds... & how fast they can go from a nothing scratch to deadly infection)

Cannot REALLY hurt to wash with a minimum of soapy water...vs. the alternative, I choose to wash...

ADDED: found the link to this presentation I went to - data aimed at Maui, but does have data from Hawaii Cty:

Enjoy the healthy reading & pics!
I don't know why but at this stage of my life I seem to get lots of skin blemishes that take forever to heal. I have also gotten abscesses on two occasions and they were not fun, they had to be lanced, etc. I have had a couple of infected scrapes where I went to the doctor and got antibiotics. Partly I am just getting old and my immune system is not what it once was. Partly it is the climate here. Yes, you should take every cut and scrape seriously. That being said if it were "that bad" I'd be dead.
I don't know why but at this stage of my life I seem to get lots of skin blemishes that take forever to heal. I have also gotten abscesses on two occasions and they were not fun, they had to be lanced, etc. I have had a couple of infected scrapes where I went to the doctor and got antibiotics. Partly I am just getting old and my immune system is not what it once was. Partly it is the climate here. Yes, you should take every cut and scrape seriously. That being said if it were "that bad" I'd be dead.
I don't know why but at this stage of my life I seem to get lots of skin blemishes that take forever to heal. I have also gotten abscesses on two occasions and they were not fun, they had to be lanced, etc. I have had a couple of infected scrapes where I went to the doctor and got antibiotics. Partly I am just getting old and my immune system is not what it once was. Partly it is the climate here. Yes, you should take every cut and scrape seriously. That being said if it were "that bad" I'd be dead.

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