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Homeowners and Car insurance
Here is a general lava zone map...

..and a Puna specific lava zone map from USGS.


I think every state have some different cost for insurance and every insurance company have different policy. I have hired a public adjuster who does all the insurance work for me from filing a claim to repairing all that is damaged.

water damage coral springs

Marquis Dean
Trade in one of your cars for a truck before coming. It's hard to find good used trucks here, and you'll need it for lots of stuff, starting with hauling your garbage to the transfer station.

And consider renting for a while when you get here--it will give you a chance to try out different areas before committing to purchase. You don't notice stuff like commute traffic and microclimates when you're only here for a week or two on vacation.

><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>
I moved one car with Horizon ($1275 with $10k insurance), sold the other car. We had two 4 wheel drive cars (valued higher in the Northwest). I recommend you check values locally versus in Hawaii before deciding what to move and what to sell.

Home insurance appears to be Lloyd's for Lava 2; hurricane and earthquake are a bit extra. Distance to a fire hydrant is key. Mine is about $1k for $140k house value.

I can recommend Michele at Servo:

We're a little ahead of you... arriving this week in Puna...

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