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USDA to Allow Sharwil Avos to Import to Mainland
The USDA is lifting their avocado importation ban for Sharwils from Nov - March, so that consumers in 32 states on the Mainland have a choice of domestic produced avocados during the mainland avo producing downtime:
So does that mean we can take them with us as checked luggage while visiting friends on the mainland and not have ag inspectors confiscate them?
Probably more like the papaya exports: big corporate farmers will be able to afford the "certification", individuals not so much.
This sounds like just one more way for farmers to make a living. The County Council should act quickly to ban it.
Almost-but-not-quite: County should create plenty of taxes/fees for "safety certification", this way they can claim to support agriculture, even if 95% of farmers can never actually afford qualification.

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