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Punaweb upgrades
Hi, thought i'd ressurect this as the thought had occurred to me several times this week how convenient being able to upload pictures would be!
I'm mostly thinking along the lines of 'a picture is worth a thousand words' train of thought.
I'm unsure what the outcome of this thread was, but i'm assuming you decided to keep punaweb the same for the time being because I havent noticed any changes.
Not a critique. Just a request for picture capability. I remember on this post there was a divided consensus on pictures, mostly that it takes a while to load for those with slower internets. If that was any of the impetus behind the decision to keep it the same is there any chance we could take a poll? Just in case thay happened to be the 'vocal minority'
Pics are data hogs. Not sure Rob has the space for that. Not to mention opihikaobobs videos!
Nothing left to do but
Space is a problem. Loading time is a problem. The potential for people, maybe spammers and trolls, to post inappropriate stuff is a big problem.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by terracore

I've admined vbulletin boards. They can be a nightmare for the admin. The software has a million different options. And each option is a separate security vulnerability. Security and "feature" upgrades are a continual beast, not an "every now and then" sort of thing. Not part time. And the spammers. Oh, the spammers LOVE vbulletin.

Vbulletin also has multiple vulnerabilities with multiple backdoors. It is very versatile and the forum software of choice right now but you can see in the admin section they have their hands full trying to keep them running without problems. Most of them also have multiple admins and moderators. So, it was impressive to run across this little forum being run with a fairly obscure software (more obscure, less incentive to develop attacks). A Vbulletin license is also fairly expensive.

Back in the day, there were dial-up bulletin boards. Those gave way to Usenet groups. That gave way to forums. Now forums are giving way to Facebook, which seems like a real digression but that's the way it is. Somewhere, there is a Facebook replacement being cooked up in someone's brain and it is going to be cloud based. The cloud still needs infrastructure to work, so it will be awhile before it becomes commonplace in Hawaii.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Photobucket is just one of many free hosting sites.
Post your pictures there and provide a link to them.
"Loading time is a problem"

I wonder if it would help if you created a new forum called Punatalk2 for all new threads and
leave Punatalk as it is with its 10 years of information. Would that make it faster?

As for the spammers, I would turn off the email capability.
Originally posted by PaulW

"Loading time is a problem"

I wonder if it would help if you created a new forum called Punatalk2 for all new threads and
leave Punatalk as it is with its 10 years of information. Would that make it faster?

As for the spammers, I would turn off the email capability.

Not sure why speed would be an issue unless the server is simply overcrowded. I've run multiple forums plus a dozen other web sites with more traffic than PW on a single $4.95/month account over at bluehost. Do not take this as an endorsement of them, as they are not perfect.

Most web forums have utilities to import posts from other forum software types so the "old" forum just becomes part of the archives, thus no additional "historical" forum required. I was even able to import 8 years worth of posts from an old yahoo user group into a freeware phpbb forum. I did get stuck and had to hire somebody to finish it for me, but I believe he charged less than $100.
I don't have a loading problem myself, possibly because I'm on cable.
Rob reported it as an issue and I can imagine it could be the case for people on dial-up.
Moving to new forum software (with images, dancing gifs etc) would only make it worse for them, IMHO.

I don't think traffic would be the problem either so maybe it's the amassed data.
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

Space is a problem. Loading time is a problem. The potential for people, maybe spammers and trolls, to post inappropriate stuff

Aye aye Cap'n.
Thought no harm in asking.

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