12-16-2005, 01:31 AM
I (and I'm sure many other people) would like to know more about the community of Glenwood.
What is Glenwood's zipcode?
What community is Glenwood part of (Mountain View, for example)?
How is cell phone and cable coverage in Glenwood?
Do kids (especially teens) like living in Glenwood?
What do people (especially kids and teens) do for fun in Glenwood?
Any information about homes and land in Glenwood (prices, for example) is appreciated.
Punaweb.org has no information about Glenwood.
What is Glenwood's zipcode?
What community is Glenwood part of (Mountain View, for example)?
How is cell phone and cable coverage in Glenwood?
Do kids (especially teens) like living in Glenwood?
What do people (especially kids and teens) do for fun in Glenwood?
Any information about homes and land in Glenwood (prices, for example) is appreciated.
Punaweb.org has no information about Glenwood.