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Vog locations
I wondered about where on the Big Island vog is? What I was mostly wondering was that since the trades blow it a certain direction-is there vog in Puna? Specifically near Nanawale and also near Hilo? It would seem that by looking at a map it wouldn't happen there, but was wondering if I was wrong? Thanks.

Most of the time the prevailing wind (the trades) carry the vog west towards Kau, but when the winds occasionally reverse, (Kona wind), we get vog. Not often, but it happens.

Is there a certain time of year that the Kona winds happen? Or just here and there? Thanks Leilaniguy.

I've noticed that when the trades blow Southwest, we get vog here in Mountain View. That said, it's not too common, they normally blow Notheast or East. I'd take a guess and say maybe around 10 -15 days a year this happens. There is no season involved. Aloha, Angela

Thanks for your reply.

Tradewinds are the prevalent wind patterns yearround, accounting for 90% of the summer winds and a little under 70% of the winter winds.
"Kona is a Hawaiian term for the stormy, rain-bearing winds that blow over the islands from the SW or SSW, in the opposite direction of trade winds. The western or leeward sides of the islands, then, become windward in this case, as the predominant wind pattern is reversed.

Kona winds occur when a low-pressure center is within 500 miles Northwest of the Islands and has an unusually low central pressure, below 1,000 millibars for the subtropics. " :

These winds are more likely in the winter.
That said, yesterday at the Hula Platform at Volcano Nat'l Park was one of the VOGgiest Aloha Festival Hula performances in years.

Edited by - carey on 08/26/2007 14:37:34

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