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new lava flow map
It is still flowing at the distal end, but also there is a new flow starting in the direction of the ocean again. Time will tell if it is turning around.
Do you have a link to the map?
Link to the maps:
On April 24, 2014, USGS posted this:

"Several residential subdivisions north and west of P#257;hoa and a section of Highway 130 are downhill from the Kahauale#699;a 2 lava flow. So, should Puna residents be worried about the flow—now or in the future?"

I'm wondering if anyone knows which subdivisions they are talking about, and which section of Highway 130? Anyone know?

From what I understand from posts, topographic maps,USGS data, and the good ole "gut" feeling is the flow if it continues on its sluggish path will cross somewhere between Pahoa and Ainaloa. It then could continue thru the jungle between Hawaiian Beaches and Hawaiian Paradise Park, eventually flaring out as the terrain flattens by the shore, possibly flowing into both subdivisions as it makes it's final journey. Estimated time line of this? Current rate 130 crossing in about a year, ocean entry 2 plus. Again, this is all speculation, as the flow seems to be "layering" itself, which changes the topography to direct further flows where Pelé wishes. There is also the possibility it could "flare out" to the North of the current flow, and scrape the subdivision edges closer to Ainaloa. Right now it seems Pelé wants to please the tourists and is drooling to the South again, USGS is trying to get a "fly over" today to get a better look of things.

Are you a human being, or a human doing?
I predict the flow to take out the Pahoa roundabout. Pele doesn't like it either. <grin>
ROFL!!! But you have to admit, it is good wholesome entertainment watching drivers trying to figure it out! Oh shoot, missed my turn! Darn! Missed it again...

Are you a human being, or a human doing?
The flow is still on the north down slope of the East Rift ridge. The ridge is in a curved line from Kilauea to the south east Puna coast line. The ridge is formed from the major magma conduit under it from Kilauea and Pu'u O'o. The gully that the flow is going into is very shallow and a very gradual downslope to Ainaloa. The flow is like filling up a divot in the terrain, could be an old fissure depression. That front may not be moving forward fast but it is really filling out now, like a blood drop, just before splashing. The layering continues.
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*

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