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Strange heli again over lower hpp
Originally posted by islandlvng

Just what we need, a new type of helicopter searching for plants. They already use at least 3 others...

Anyone else remember the old 'birds of puna (Hawaii??)' tshirts with the silhouettes of all the different types of helicopters used for green harvest? Been forever since I've seen one of those, someone needs to update them. :-)
Originally posted by ericlp
OK, I think Bob has finally went off to the deep end. I am an Atheist and science and reasoning are my tools. The mind see's what it wants to see. Think about anything hard enough and pretty soon you convince yourself you're seeing all kinds of things. Tho a little bit of shrooms helps with this as well. Wink

Funny just as I type this I am hearing a helicopter over head... Maybe it's Jesus! Tongue
If suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet, we'd forget all about the little differences that we have between our two countries and we would find out once and for all that we really are all human beings on this earth. (Ronald Reagan to Mikhail Gorbachev)

...And yet I ask, is not an alien force ALREADY among us ?... There are only a handful of people who know the truth about this. (Ronald Regan to a full session of the United Nations September 21, 1987)

"science and reasoning are my tools"
I would agree that science and reasoning are good tools, when used honestly without bending :Bending Science:
How Special Interests Corrupt Public Health Research
You conveniently left out the next part of the quote:
"I ask you, is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?"
Science isn't bended it's just that people believe in it. They believe that science is the truth and the well from which facts are sprung thus science is treated like religion. True science is liquid and constantly changing. Everything is questioned and in the big picture there are no steadfast facts. Math is a language which we use to describe nature as accurately as we can in this moment. That description and the expression of it is science. Belief is not scientific. Belief is a commitment or faith in something you are not sure how to prove. Science is the quest for knowledge not belief. Religion, on the other hand, is the quest for belief. Science seeks to prove itself wrong. Religion neither proves itself right or wrong it only needs faith. Anyway, people treat science as if it is religion. Remember at one point science could prove the Earth was flat but that fact became history.

Also, why do people often assume that an extraterrestrial or extradimensional being would be a menace to humanity. Personally I know there is extraterrestrial life. I don't know if an extraterrestrial life form has visited Earth per se but I believe it is likely that it could happen on occasion. Does that scare me? NO Why because my proof of extraterrestrial life is the sheer number of stars in the night sky. This means there are lots of planets and lots of life supporting atmospheres. This mean lots of different types of extraterrestrials. So making the assumption that any extraterrestrial that ends up here is dangerous is silly. How could we even know that information?

And what does this have to do with helicopters?

Don't ask me.

Could the helicopters have to do with RIMPAC?

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