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Mango/Chico Sapote
Aloha all,
I have a couple of trees. Planted in the 90's. A chico sapote and a keit mango
I feed them, I mulch them and though the chico sapote makes flowers it has never fruited.
Bees are the issue as their are several hives a couple of doors down. See them all over the mac tree.
So that is one issue.
The other is the mango. I prune, I feed, I mulch and one mango or two each season. I have been feeding both composted chicken manure and have folia fed with fish emulsion.

I am reading to cut them down and start new but it seems a cruel joke not to get fruit from these trees.
I am open to hear what you can share about this.


where do you live? what is the environment like where you are trying to grown these trees?
Good point. I'm at 1,200 ft and my neighbor has had a mature mango for more than 20 years that is health & has a full canopy but has never flowered or fruited ... wrong elevation.
I am at sea level + 40 feet or so and have a 7 year old mango.It is beautiful and quite large but has never flowered or fruited. I did not plant the mango. It was a little twig when I bought the house. I am kind of wondering whether it would have been better to put in a nice avocado tree, or some other fruiting tree that does well on the Eastside. The mango risks getting enormous and I only have 1/2 acre. On the other hand, the orchids I throw in it absolutely love it there. So, my mango is just a very large perch for orchids. Others may have a different experience. Have a friend about a mile back from the ocean. Her mango is older and does produce fruit. It is not prolific, though and, I'm told, takes a year off now and then. It's temperamental. I know there are acres of giant mangoes down by Wa'a Wa'a and they seem to drop fruit. So maybe you just have to wait until your mango is 80 feet tall.

There was also a "Mango" on Saturday Night Live. Miss her! This exhausts my knowledge of mangoes. I just go to the farmer's market for them. I'm tired of babying these things.
I planted a Glenn & Julie (PlantItHawaii) last year, both flowered this winter, but I pinched them back, as they are still younguns, ~500ft Keaau....

Although it is advisable to only get anthracnose resistant here, (as the Keitt you have & Glenn are) I chose the Julie (not resistant) because of the dwarfing nature (Glenn is a small tree, but not a true dwarf)

Before taking the tree out, talk to both the Ag dept on Komohana & probably the mango guys at PlantItHawaii... shouldn't hurt to get their expert advise!

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