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1/2 off Ag OCET courses for employed studentrs
Just received this note on the Community Farmers Course through UH, that may be helpful for some (ADDED: these classes are offered from 4:30-8:30pm in Hilo & at Kua O Ka La Public Charter School in Pahoa starting in late July):

"Great news from OCET. Our new community agriculture classes have all been approved for ETF funding, for all employed students. If you don't know what ETF is (Employment Training Fund), Check out their website on the link below. It's a program set up Workforce Development Division, that will cover HALF of a students tuition (max. $250) provided they and their employer fill out the appropriate forms. That's it! You can take our "Business Plan Development Training for Farmers" class for only $44.50 for all 10 weeks of class, if they qualify. The same goes for the "Natural Farming" and "Agriculture Science Series" classes... HALF OFF TUITION!! To enroll in the classes and/or the EFT program, call the number on the bottom of the appropriate informational flyer below. Thanks to everyone for spreading the word about these terrific educational and community building opportunities."

The flyers are pdf, if you would like be to forward the email, you gotta email me, or request below..

OCET Ag series, scroll to the Ag series area on this link (Sorry this is not more straight forward):


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