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Kehena Beach; What to do-do?
Please, the County can't even keep the porta potties clean and dumped at most public parks (Issac Hale Beach Park, as an example). Never mind toilet paper!

Kapohocat, call them immediately if not "serviced" according to sanitation needs dictated by the Board of Health (County or whoever provided; private contractors, etc.).

It's an ongoing problem in several public areas.

(From another thread, Kapohocat stated (Bold by me): And remember the tide pools although on private roads have always been accessible to the public unlike the gates of Kapoho Beach Lots. )

Several days ago (maybe it's been a week), during the frenzy of helping people in your area, we delivered ice, water, and food to all who were in need. In driving to the "gated" community, we were told, "What do you want? No, we don't need ice." When offered food and provisions, the response was, "Oh, we don't eat that! (spam musubi, lau lau, teriyaki chicken, salad, and rice plates, etc.)" Left some cases of water with those who live there, so we didn't feel like we were "doing nothing" and intruding, God forbid. Whatever.

Don't think those kinds of people want a porta pottie in their yard. Just sayin....


P.S. This is why it is difficult to maintain a balanced opinion. People suck sometimes. Sorry for the off topic remark.

opihikao, Hopefully someone who needed and appreciated the help got it.

I think the last thing anyone wants is some kind of road cut down to the beach to service porta toilets. Not much area to put in a composting toilet at sea level where it wont leach into the water. Putting a portable at road level might help, but people are inherently lazy and wont hike up to use it IHMO.
I think some people are confused as to what a modern composting toilet is. Someone mentioned one being at Mackenzie Park, and all I remember there was a disgusting pit trench.

A composting toilet has a holding tank and requires a modest fan or heat source to dry the material. The finished by product is a clean benign ash-like substance(good for the garden). Nothing leaches anywhere.

Most do require a small solar set up for efficiency(This would require some security measure, maybe a camera?)

Kua O Ka La Public Charter School has a nice set up. Next door at Ahalanui Park, the County has some stank ass Porta-Potties.

One of the problems the County faces is Liability. People die at Kehena every year, but notice there are no lifeguards. Same at the Boat ramp at Pohoiki. The keiki swim there unprotected, experienced surfers have lifeguards around the point at Shacks/Bowls.

If the County were to place water safety personnel at either place they would be admitting responsibility(and liability). Sorry, I'm rambling, Ima try to go back to sleep. night night.
(spam musubi, lau lau, teriyaki chicken, salad, and rice plates, etc.)
Might be a long drive but you can deliver that stuff to me anytime.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Originally posted by opihikao...

Kapohocat, call them immediately if not "serviced" according to sanitation needs dictated by the Board of Health (County or whoever provided; private contractors, etc.).

It is set up on a regularly scheduled numerous times a week maintenance.

(From another thread, Kapohocat stated (Bold by me): And remember the tide pools although on private roads have always been accessible to the public unlike the gates of Kapoho Beach Lots. )

Several days ago (maybe it's been a week), during the frenzy of helping people in your area, we delivered ice, water, and food to all who were in need. In driving to the "gated" community, we were told, "What do you want? No, we don't need ice." When offered food and provisions, the response was, "Oh, we don't eat that! (spam musubi, lau lau, teriyaki chicken, salad, and rice plates, etc.)" Left some cases of water with those who live there, so we didn't feel like we were "doing nothing" and intruding, God forbid. Whatever.

Don't think those kinds of people want a porta pottie in their yard. Just sayin....

I heard this before the past week but never saw it and we had many donations. the community even picked up one of the jacuzzis to fill up by mailboxes with ice. because the volunteers were driving around the neighborhood. Many of the volunteers we sent directly to the little old ladies in our neighborhood to take care of first.

I think it was one person. I know I spent many hours / days at the entrance and each time I didnt recognize someone I asked "who did you come to help?" I got lots of people saying we didnt know - who can we help? and we pointed them to different areas. The first few days with everyone off work and driving around created a lot of looky loos and there was big equipment, lots of trash and dirty tide pools and many tourists who were oblivious to the news. We even had one person looking for property.

By the first week everyone had gotten out and to the store and my personal feeling was there was a lot of people who needed food and why should I take anything I didnt really need? (so we only got ice most days.)

I wish I knew who was the rude person out there. If you could email me a description that would be great as we have tried to find out who it is, and all that we have gotten is the info you shared but no description.

Now that we have power back, there is going to be no one stopped as of Sept 1. We are taking a few more days for clean up and the brown water advisory to be cleared on the coast. Since much of the parking areas are covered with debris, there is already a plan for the temporary parking areas.
There's bound to be a cranky person in every subdivision, even in a time of crisis.
A few days after the storm when I drove up Kaloli Drive, I saw seven police cars parked at and around a house. It didn't seem like anything more than a domestic disturbance, and all I could think was, "really? You're going to tie up all of these emergency resources at a time like this?"

Some people just can't order from the menu.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Its been yrs. since I swam at Champagne Ponds , I won't go back, when I saw the excrement only a mere few feet from the water that was enough for me .
Hey Opihikao there may be someone listening to you about taking care of Pahoa and the defecation in the alleys. Her name is Pele and she can cleanse. Hmm mixed feelings... seems like there's a biblical story similar to this.

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