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Maui GMO protest
Originally posted by peteadams

Nothing has changed. The original study was discredited and the re-publishing did not alter the article except for some analysis at the end. The journal Nature looked at the re-publishing and wrote:

ESEU [Environmental Sciences Europe, the re-publisher] conducted no scientific peer review, he adds, “because this had already been conducted by Food and Chemical Toxicology, and had concluded there had been no fraud nor misrepresentation.” The role of the three reviewers hired by ESEU was to check that there had been no change in the scientific content of the paper, Hollert adds.

The publication of the new version of the paper gives critics no reason to change their mind, says food-allergy researcher Richard Goodman of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and biotechnology editor at FCT. "To my knowledge, no-one has demonstrated that a two-year feeding study of Sprague Dawley rats has uncovered any hazard that actually poses a risk to human or farm-animal health," he says, referring to the breed of rodents used in the study.

Yes much has changed , here is a link that explains in detail much about this study and how it was done by Monsanto as well , 8 years prior to this study - and just watch the video and see the way corparate fascism operates.

Just in case the link doesn't work
here is the name of the u tube:
Conclusive Link Between GMOs and Cancer | Brainwash Update
So many facts, so many opinions.
As far as I'm concerned, the only person who's got it ALL figured out is Dr Yankovic:
Originally posted by malolo

So many facts, so many opinions.
As far as I'm concerned, the only person who's got it ALL figured out is Dr Yankovic:

Google DR. Steven Greer/ Disclosure Project
Read his book Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge AVAILABLE at AMAZON
Victory: Fish & Wildlife Service To Stop Use Of GMO’s

An extract:

Photo: Wendell / Flickr)

After facing a series of legal challenges from environmental groups, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service will phase out the use of genetically modified (GMO) crops and controversial neonicotinoid pesticides at farming projects on national wildlife refuges.

National Wildlife Refuge System chief James Kurth has directed the agency to stop using GMO crops and neonicontinoids on refuge farms by January 2016, according to a July 17 memo obtained by activists last week. The Fish and Wildlife Service is the first federal agency to restrict the use of GMOs and neonicotinoids in farming practices.

Neonicitinoids are a class of insecticides related to nicotine that act as nerve agents and are typically sprayed on crop seeds to kill insects. Scientists suspect that some neonicitinoids are responsible for declining populations of pollinating insects, and researchers in the Netherlands recently linked neonicotinoids to deaths among farmland birds.

Read more at link!
Sigh. The boloney keeps rolling.

None of the articles I googled gave any indication of any evidentiary basis whatsoever, scientific or otherwise, for the F&WS to ban GMO's from wildlife refuges. There were lawsuits from the usual suspects about farm cultivation and use of GMO crops on refuge lands which apparently the F&SW caved on. Obviously the neonicotinoid issue is entirely separate from GMOs.

I was resisting posting this, but for those of you who appreciate Neil DeGrasse Tyson, here's his take on GMOs:

And a followup with more details:

"None of the articles I googled gave any indication of any evidentiary basis"

So what,F@W made their decision based on however they figured the issue
And the fact that they have not shown studies is irrelevant because thats not the point of the article. They, Fish & Wildlife Service have decided to stop use of GMO’s.
Whats so hard to understand about that?
"So what,F@W made their decision based on however they figured the issue"

So you really don't care why government agencies make their decisions? Anything goes? Wild attitude! In fact, the action was largely on the basis of getting rid of lawsuits and curtailing agricultural cultivation in some of the national refuges. The refuge director was quite mealy-mouthed in his explanation:

"A July 17 letter from James W. Kurth, chief of the national refuge system, makes no specific mention of any concerns that the pesticides or the crops pose risks to wildlife or pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. It just says they don't fit refuge objectives, such as promoting natural ecosystems."

I suppose there are no GMO duck or geese wetland feed crops so maybe they don't need GMOs if the refuges want to revert to more original habitats and close out agriculture. Citing the F&WS actions says nothing about GMOs, only that federal agencies' programs can be manipulated by lawsuits.
From today's Tribune-Herald:

"HONOLULU (AP) — A federal judge has ruled that Hawaii County can’t enforce a law restricting genetically engineered crops because it’s pre-empted by state law.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Barry Kurren’s order issued Wednesday is similar to his earlier decision invalidating Kauai County’s law on pesticides and genetically modified crops."

- See more at:
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
County can't enforce a law ... because it's pre-empted by state law

I thought this had already been established for the LLEP. How much money was spent figuring this out again?

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