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HPP Mailboxes
Was just wondering if anyone knows how long it takes to get a HPP mailbox? I've had my application in the Keaau Post office for more than 2 years. Anyone else still waiting?

You might never get one in HPP…

We moved to HPP in July. We have been on a list since November 2006. I have talked to the HPPOA and they told me that the post office will not put any new mail boxes in because of safety issues. HPPOA said they are willing to a give land near the activity center which gets them off the street. However, the Keaau post office said it is the HPPOA that is the problem. The whole thing sounds political or no one wants to do anything. I got no where talking to both parties.

We just got our Keaau PO Box yesterday, but it irritates me that we have to pay! Should not every tax paying citizen get at least on free mail delivery system?

I think we are going to construct a letter that can be sent to your Senator and Congressman. We hope to get it posted on the HPP website so that others can use it.


Edited by - Tolleys on 11/09/2007 06:19:54
Hubby states that the wait time depends on the box station you applied at.
We have 1st hand knowledge, as when we thought we were buying a lot in HPP we had each applied for a box, accidentally. The lot was between 2 box stations. I had asked at the Keaau Post Office which one was more likely to have a box become availiable, Hubby chose the one that was more a daily commute. When the lot sales fell through, we forgot about the applications... The post office notified me that there was a box available after almost 7 mos, hubby was notified this last summer, almost 2 years later... (we declined both, as we have street delivery in town).

Edited by - carey on 11/09/2007 15:00:27
Hiya Macuu222, if you don't want to wait, there are a few mail options in this thread:

Smile Erin

* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *

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