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Termites flying
Spotted drywood termites approx 3 yrs ago + have been spot treating. Regardless, 2015 is the worst year thus far.
I'm wondering if there is a certain time of year that is best to treat them?
I know about the candles + bowl of water tricks, but it's grown uncomfortable for night guests + renters during this swarm season.
I did get quote from late 2014, who quoted me nearly $600 + 1-yr guarantee. Yet that was spot treatment + I'm wondering if I need the tent now?
Any feedback for my 24-foot yurt home appreciated.

delia, Nanawale/Puna home owner
Delia Montgomery,
While they are swarming, usually spring showers, observe them to see where they are coming from. Sometimes it's decaying wood around your yurt, other times it's the structure. Locate precisely where they are swarming to if structure related, then treat specific area with injection with a product of borate, or "terminate" (copper napthate) at bore site. I use an old animal injection syringe w/o the needle. Wait for the larvae to exit rather hastily if you want, then spackle up the tiny bore pukas and paint over.
If still nervous, tent. Good luck!
On standard frame construction, dry wood termites absolutely love rafter tails! The cut side against the gutter has very little "treatment" from the factory, so they just go to town eating everything but the "skin"( thin film of wood and your paint). Trim around windows, or any other raw cut end are check points. I use a nail on the end of a pole to check the rafter tails, makes it easy. Sub terrainian termites will leave a "mud tube" along your concrete pier or foundation from earth to wood if post and pier foundation, as they hate light. Treat wood the same way after wire brushing the tube away.

Community begins with Aloha
That's how it was in my home until I did the tenting. Seems to have worked far longer than the 18 months they guaranteed. Going on 3 year+ and no more swarming in the home.
Tents just came off my house today... I've had minor swarming for the last 5 years but this year was the worst I've come through... They will take the tent off the shop tomorrow.. there was a hole in the tent and the re-gassed it after plugging the hole...

I tented 3 years ago. I have noticed some tell tale sawdust on the lanai that indicates they are back.

Rob L
Rob L
Please enlighten about the:

" candles + bowl of water tricks"

delia, Nanawale/Puna home owner

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