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Food prices on the rise
I've noticed that tomatoes are very expensive lately. Even farmers markets have just 2 to a bag.... So, we kinda just stopped buying them and maybe by them when the prices level back off? Also, Papaya is still stuck at pretty much 50 - buck a piece depending on size (farmers market). I've noticed that portions are smaller for the same price. Oh well, waiting 10 days after foodstamp week is over ... See if some good deals later I guess.
Is there actually any solid evidence that supermarket prices go up during "welfare week"? I keep hearing about it but haven't actually seen any evidence.

Thanks in advance.
You mean a scientific paper, like this?
I've noticed that farmers markets are more expensive also. Tomatoes, avo's, celery. and even bananas are all costing about 25% more. The price of butter in the supermarkets is all over the place.... anywhere from $4.00 to $8.00 a pound for the same brand depending where you go! And then on the other side of the coin...alcohol prices are some of the "lowest" I've seen anywhere (even on the mainland). A bottle of Australian Shiraz (2013) in Safeway cost less than it does in Australia!

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