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4th of July fireworks, dogs, and a new treatment
SILEO® (dexmedetomidine oromucosal gel) is the first and only FDA-approved treatment indicated for the treatment of canine noise aversion.

Calming without sedating, so that the dog remains fully functional to interact normally with the family

This is a new product. Our old vet from a different state tried it on her dog and said it was remarkably effective without sedating or changing the dog's behavior. (She's not involved with the product and isn't a pill pusher, this is just FYI information). If anybody else has tried this, I'd like to hear your results. Our big boy is already feeling the effects of the pre-4th fireworks.
Interesting I might have to try that because one of my 2 Schnauzers is undoubtable going to crook off from a heart attack or something. 4th of July? even 1 pop of a fire cracker any time, thunder what ever, he goes into hyper fear, shaking, trembling panic over anything.. Yet he's a great pre warning system when a thunder storm is heading in you can't hear yet..

But other than having tried sedation, nothing calms him. ad the possibility that once he's triggered, he may elevate on the thought that once he starts, he'll be afraid just because he is. Except I just send him to the dark bathroom because he wants to sit next to my leg, shake, hyper breath and worse, dribble so much I can, have slipped on it. On the 4h shut the door so he doesn't accidently escape. Adopted or rescued from an abusive scenario so nothing surprises.

Plus he barks at anything that moves, high pitched annoying bark especially in our tiled house. would chase cars, Has chased them, if we didn't have a fence and is a runner whether something popping or not. Lucky just to be alive too. Moreover he barks, chases, and all else because he's a super chicken spit warning others he could bite. Anyway, I hope it isn't expensive as I may require a 55 gallon drum for this 17 pounds of diabolical fear. . .

Alternately another we adopted, rescued from an abusive scenario last December proved during new years fireworks, thunderstorm etc. is overly playful constantly needs attention, not a runner too, couldn't care less but I'm also concerned he'll copy the other.
Does anyone use Bach's Rescue Remedy? I gave my small dog a few drops the other night as middleaged adult male across the st already setting off fireworks, on June 24! My little 'un is terrified .... after being an outdoor dog, she's more and more afraid to go out, even to pee. Vet ass't told me to use Rescue Remedy. feedback? thx eh?
Two of our four dogs are also terrified of fireworks and thunder. One hides under the bed and won't come out til the last one goes off. The other sticks like glue to me, shaking. and wide eyed. The other two couldn't care less. Doggy Valium just makes them dopey-scared. Will see if our Vet has the SILEO. Mahalo for the info Terricore!
I am willing to try it. We have to use ace... - he breaks through doggie valium (just like the vet predicted) and you can't add the sedative once you go valium. At least, w/ the sedative, he is safe. Jeffhale, it seems we have the same dog. Poor babies - it's just so awful. Our other dog looks at him like, "What's the deal?"

At least w/ the 4th and New Year's, we know there's going to be noise. T-storms are harder bc you don't want to sedate unless it's absolutely necessary. This new stuff is supposed to take effect very quickly.

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