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New Tsunami Detection Method
The model demonstrated this effect from the 2012 tsunami from Queen Charlotte Island when it hit Hawaii.

Basically there's an associated atmospheric tsunami that due to the high precision of GPS signals at GPS monitoring stations can be used to detect these waves propagating across water. "Other hazards may also be targeted using real-time ionospheric observations, including volcanic eruptions or meteorites."

When a tsunami forms and moves across the ocean, the crests and troughs of its waves compress and extend the air above them, creating motions in the atmosphere known as internal gravity waves. The undulations of internal gravity waves are amplified as they travel upward into an atmosphere that becomes thinner with altitude. When the waves reach an altitude of between 186 to 217 miles (300 to 350 kilometers), they cause detectable changes to the density of electrons in the ionosphere. These changes can be measured when GNSS signals, such as those of GPS, travel through these tsunami-induced disturbances.

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