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Anyone in HPP remember Georges?
Georges is an 80+ man that used to live in HPP and walked everywhere, including into Hilo. You could recognize him by his big old back pack and walking stick, full head of white hair and full white beard. He used to go to Makuu market every week. We gave him rides once in a while.

I hadn't seen him for a couple years until today on Makaala St. He looked terrible, like he's living on the streets. I couldn't get back to him to talk to him.

If anybody happens to notice him in town, would you let me know the general area? He's very nice and interesting. I would like to see if I could help him in some way.
1 island 2 another
And that, my friends, is the Aloha spirit. Kudos to you, my friend!

Community begins with Aloha
I remember Jorges/Georges... forgot what town in France he said he was from...we gave him a ride into Hilo once and had a nice conversation with him. He said he lived part time in HPP in a sailboat parked on someone's lot, and at a friend's in Hilo. He said he'd go back and forth every few days.

You're right, he hasn't been walking along the hwy for some time now....maybe he takes the Hele On? We couldn't believe the amount of miles he was walking every week, esp in rubber slippers!

Will be on the lookout for him JG-HPP...
We saw him Tuesday walking from Furnaux towards the market. Just from the back and he didn't have a pack.

Finally in HPP
Finally in HPP
Furnaux? I'm not familiar. Thx.
1 island 2 another
Furneaux Lane is between Haili and Mamo,from the bay front to Garden Exchange. (Bad spelling!)

Finally in HPP
Finally in HPP
Georges update: I saw him today and gave him a ride. His English seems to have deteriorated and his hands are curled with arthritis.

But he says he is ok and has what he needs. He is sleeping "in the grasses and in the sunshine."

He claims to still be sometimes living on the boat somewhere in HPP but I don't think it is true. I think he just didn't want me to worry about him.

I showed him where I work and told him to come by any time. My request to Punawebbers: If you see him, say "Bon jour." I don't think he talks to many people.
1 island 2 another
I have some dear friends (amazing, kind people) who invited Georges to a pot luck supper. He went, and I chatted with him for a while and took a liking to him. I have spoken to him a few times since, and I'm not sure if he remembered me or not. I think JG-HPP is right about the deterioration. My friends asked to to some subsequent simple meals, but he declined. Sad, but I will continue to speak to him.
Thx for the update JG-HPP. Georges is a sweet man who smiles very easily...will say bonjour if we see him again. It appears he prefers being a loner...I often have wondered in concern as to how he sustains himself. [Sad]
Never met the gent, but I'm sure you are talking about, who I termed, the walking man. I would see him walking in HPP, Hilo, etc. Older gent, very slight. Slim, not very tall. Very gray. Always had a walking stick, and usually a back pack. I haven't seen him I bet, in a good year or so. Used to see him often. Never had the pleasure of meeting him.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP

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