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Rat Lungworm Disease Demands State Action
The Ige administration should stop belittling the work of UH Hilo’s laboratory and fund it immediately. By Russell Ruderman

Recently we saw the headline that an infant was the 17th documented case of rat lungworm disease in Hawaii this year.

Part of the tragedy was that the mother had to insist on a blood test during her second trip to the ER, after her first visit and several doctor visits failed to test for the disease.

Any delays in diagnosis of rat lungworm disease are especially serious. Until treatment to kill the parasites begins, the worms are literally eating the patient’s brain cells.

With enough time, permanent brain injury occurs. Typically, victims are misdiagnosed four or five times before getting the correct diagnoses and beginning treatment.

So, I ask once again that our state Department of Health take two actions related to rat lungworm disease that are urgently needed. We need a definitive diagnosis protocol that can result in quick response...

The entire article, as published in the Civil Beat, is here..
Mahalo for posting glinda.
It's heartening to see that Russell is working for Puna on this extremely important issue. I totally agree with him.
Now, if the powers that be would just listen, and fund Dr. Jarvi's research instead of funding DOH's pamphlets and news conferences..
Thank you, glinda!

I wholeheartedly support Russell Ruderman's willingness to confront the inept powers that be when their negligence endangers his constituents. It's a stark contrast to Joy Sanbuenaventura who seems more interested in pursuing good old boy and girl power politics than in calling out those whose neglect and corruption needs to be challenged.
What I find the most interesting, so far, about that article, is nobody, and usually there are a lot, other than a few from the Big Islanders have posted comments.

It's pathetic how all the outer islands are treated. Out of sight out of mind. At least until they want to impose their controls on us, take our money.

I honestly think we'd be better served if someone were to take a few slugs over to Honolulu and let some of their constituents get rat lungworm disease. Man would they pour money at it if some kids in Manoa Valley, or wherever Ige lives, came down with it.

And yes, I agree with Chunkster, Joy doesn't seem to have figured out how to represent her constituents. But hey, I bet rubbing shoulders with the power brokers in the big city on the public's dole is kinda cool. Though I suspect if asked she'd say she's working tirelessly for me and you.
It's pathetic how all the outer islands are treated.

Repeating myself, here: the conventional State/County structure doesn't work very well when the lands are not contiguous.

I say: Big Island should become the 51st State, each District should become a County, and the vast subdivisions should be allowed to incorporate if they wish. Side effect: guaranteed employment, since there would be more than enough cushy government jobs to go around. We're being taxed anyway; might as well keep it local, where that money can do some good.

take a few slugs over to Honolulu

Along with some fire ants and coqui. Problem is, State would simply address the problem on Oahu, maybe send a few pamphlets to the outer islands.
kalakoa @ 15:10:47-

Thank you for starting this RLW thread, That was a very interesting link you posted as well. I was not sure if you had a chance to see this report regarding one of the most recent RLW cases.

Pretty Scary just how many slugs could be found under a single tarp. There may be Plenty of Puna folks or families using tents these days.
Before you light your torches and brandish your pitchforks, it may behoove you to know that the slugs, Angiostrongylus cantonensis, fire ants and coqui are all present on Oahu already.

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