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emergency housing in storage

Hawaii County Managing Director Wil Okabe said the housing unit, made from a shipping container, received some minor damage during the trip and also doesn't meet county code.

The emergency declaration suspends building codes -- for some projects...
Only Hawaii could look a housing gift horse in the mouth and bitch that it's not up to code.
Well, it's a case of too late anyway, as most people displaced by the eruption have found other arrangements. On a related note, friends who live across from the micro housing built by a church on 21st in HPP told me that the place has never had more than two or three of the units occupied at any given time. Seems like a poor investment in money, materials, and donated time.
Although many may think that most have found other PERMANENT housing arrangements, there are still many that are in very temporary housing... many are still living with friends/family....
We still have a family that is with us.... down from the 2 families we had had throughout the summer...
Those whose homes were inundated & had HPIA insurance (up to $350K) have (almost all) been reimbursed for their losses & have been able (for the most part) to find replacement housing.
Those whose property who were insured by Lloyds of London have not (for the most part) been reimbursed & are still trying to re-evaluate their housing options & many are still in temporary housing.
Those whose homes were effected, but not inundated, are, for the most part, still trying to determine their situation, some are building anew, some have moved on, some are trying to fix their properties, some are trying to sell, most of these are in temporary housing, or are utilizing some sort of temporary assistance, if not living full-time in temporary housing...

Think, if your bills were all the same, your income the same, or for some of the effected home-owners- decreased due to business downturn, HOW WOULD YOU LIVE? WHERE WOULD YOU GO?
Now think, some had insurance that has yet to cover their losses, some had no insurance.... WHAT WOULD YOU DO???
Even those that did have coverage through HPIA, it covered around 80% of the losses, so every one of those homeowners is now living with a greater debt, or somewhere around 20% less than they had last year... along with losing everything they had at their home...

So to think, because you are not seeing them at the HUB or the Multi-court, that they have other arrangements that are long-term, or are now housed permanently, would not be a correct, nor a current assessment of the situation...
Carey, I said most, but should have added "not all." Meanwhile, I can see why staying with friends or relatives (or other options) would be a better choice for many than living in a fixed up shed with communal toilets and kitchen. It really does't surprise me that the place in HPP is almost empty.
Carey you are the best, helping a family try to make some sort of a go of it. If we got together all those displaced by the lava what would be there bottom line? Would they want to take there frustration out on the administration? Im feeling that way about The proclamation by Mr Kim to force aquatics division to keep the pool running and cover off,while hundred of persons fled for there lives that day. And it wasnt to take a dip in the pool. Its time for retrubution on those that caused greif,and continue to do so against those affected by the flow.

My shop burnt burnt down 2006 kawaihae. I still havent recovered financialy. And have hamakua mac nut to thank for my current state. Many in the lava zone have Manago, kim and others to blame. Wife saw many come from oahu like sharks to feed in the overtime money pool, and enjoy Hawaii.

In turn ,many came here to help and I thank them, like all the cert people captained by our nbhd watch pres. They are still volunteering. You can see them,about 15 loading bags for the food pantry.

Lets keeep helping,maybe it will make a difference to at least a few.



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