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who pays $30K for internet?

Bill 115 allocates $30K for "access to computers and wifi" at the Pahoa Community Center, but I can't seem to find any bid/RFP/scope that describes how this money will be spent.

Meanwhile, Telcom is offering gigabit fiber for $100/month.
Good question. Answer - only this county?

Of more concern:
"The county estimates it will receive $600,000 in geothermal royalties in the next fiscal year beginning July 1."

It is a TAX on electricity. Everyone pays more for everything as a result. It doesn't matter if you are off-grid personally, you are still paying into this as a result of increased costs on everything.

county estimates it will receive $600,000 in geothermal royalties

That's, like, 20 hotspots.
kalakoa, in answer to your question, "Who pays $30,000"
for whatever this is about, (you can never take the County seriously)
I'd like to see who gets this little deal.
NO bid, no RFP, no scope (description)? No problem!
It's only $30,000, who cares?
Have a commercial ISP provider do it, who has published prices
and comparable installations,locally and nationally. Jeez.
While the bill allocates $30k, I also don't see any mention of bids or proposals, unless it was just some wild guess from the County IT department on how much it would cost? My guess is, someone will make a bid for $29,500...
don't see any mention of bids or proposals

Exactly my point.

Best guess, "a local IT professional" quoted them this price -- you know, the one that charges websites at $500/page, then holds your domain hostage so you can't go elsewhere. Cost of doing business in Hawaii, right?
Gotta get the HA community center on that gravy train, they PAY for their own Internet access! (And roads, park, insurance, lawnmowing, .....)

What's with all these other communities getting free stuff from county council?
randomq @ 10:49:17 03/29/2018-
Ask Jen.

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