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Road closures
With on and off closures of 132 and 130 making people drive Beach/Government road, is has anyone heard anything about grading it to keep it passible? I know that stretch between 4 corners and Beaches is rough, winding, and narrow. Way too narrow to handle the commuter traffic from lower Puna. It would be nice to see the county running graders and big dozers that way at night to widen some of the narrow parts and fill in the lager pot holes. I know it would last very long with heavy use but something really needs to happen.

I had a an emergency call in Kenena Friday evening and there was so much traffic coming out of lower Puna, that it took an hour and twenty minutes to go from HPP to Kenena. Then you factor in all the "odd" people just parked along the road staring at the travelers vultures waiting to pounce on a stranded car... Just sayin....

Royal, Beach rode has been graded and crews continue to work on it as I write. Hopefully they don't hurt mango trees. Possibly make an island around a few? I realize this was ancient "Kings Hiway" and has many old rock walls intact. Let's try and preserve and protect when possible.
Sorry, but as much as I love Waa Waa, we need a road wide enough emergency vehicles to get through. Maybe some trees have to go, maybe some rock walls will need to be pushed back. Cest la vie.
Railroad Ave eventually connects to 132. At least on some maps.
I drove Beach Rd. yesterday and it’s perfectly graded right now with no potholes. They’re talking about paving it as an alternative route if a fissure erupts near Hwy. 130.

Unfortunately it’s not wide enough for two lanes so many trees would have to be cut down.
The mango trees are protected. Therefore they can't be cut down.

Checkout the road from Hawaiian shores to Nanawale, closed up tighter then a drum. Wouldn’t that help ease traffic? Looks to be in decent shape. Checked out beginning of waa waa shores side. Big orange x’s on some tree’s. Cars were coming out of there pretty fast for that road. Going To check out road from beaches to hpp and see what’s up.

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