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Violated in HPP!

...had a faithful and loving guard dog who one day, for no reason, turned on her and bit...

Best dog in the world --Pekingese, Pit Bull, purebred Mutt, whatever-- of however many years faithful and trustworthy companionship, if it eats a slug loaded with rat lungworm third stage larvae in its dog food, water, on an avo out in the yard, or where-ever will soon develop a brain full of unhappy fourth stage rat lungworm larvae. Such an animal would be disoriented and in pain, with unpredictable behavior.

Sudden changes in canine behavior from sweet to "vicious" may have little to nothing to do with the breed of dog involved (except maybe for chomp strength) and everything to do with hundreds to thousands of rat lungworm larvae burrowing through its brain and in consequence transforming its outward presentation. The two pit bulls I have known were the kindest and most gentle creatures I can imagine, but I would recommend caution if their brains became disrupted with rat lungworm larvae; that would go for just about any other breed of dog (except maybe those tiny 'lil teacup things), too.

I really do hope everyone is taking this rat lungworm issue seriously. There is a simple test to know whether or not you are taking rat lungworm seriously and acting on the issue proactively: have you set some rat traps around your property? This is a very good start to taking those reasonable measures which we all can take -and protecting our four-legged family members as well as ourselves in the process.

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A pleasant slideshow:

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Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!

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I have set rat traps, that work 24/7

They are called CATS ... but they don't get along with dogs and are indifferent about posturing to thieves ... rats though they are diligent about.
Can cats catch this when they take bites out of rat carriers?

Beachboy I agree. Also large dogs with high prey instinct shouldn't be left alone with children - pits, huskies, wolf dogs, and I forget which others. If a child squeals, runs or falls, this can trigger prey instinct,and the most dangerous scenario is often the frustrated dog on a chain that breaks loose. Herding dogs can act weird too. My son when he was about 6 was running with a dog we were going to adopt He fell and this border collie was growling at him. Scared me, and I promptly found the dog a more appropriate home. But then herding breeds (collies, german shepherds, etc.) are often the ones too that rescue kids. Just depends on the dog and as you said if it's sick with something affecting it's behavior. My life was saved by a cat btw. I was choking to death in my crib and my grandma's saimese went and got her and wouldn't quit yowling till she followed.

Back to this slug thing. The sad thing is dogs will eat just about anything too. My cats back off from slugs. But they do eat mice and they kill rats.
"Taking you to the Heart of Hawaii"

Thanks for the info. Knowing where the thugs are opertaing and how they are getting in is one part of learning how to keep them away. Sounds like a neighborhood watch is the best thing that can be done. When these guys operate in daylight, they must have cased out the houses and watched people coming and going to work at regular hours, because what they did to get in took noise and some time. Seems like it would be easier to break a window than do what they did! Did they also park in the driveway of the house? Unusual cars parked on the street would also be a hint of possible trouble. And where are these thugs fencing all of this stuff they are stealing? That is a question for the police.

We all need to be eyes and ears for our communities.


Originally posted by Noel M2

On 19th (Kaloli area), there was a break in. The perps come in through the carport. They apparently cut a hole in the ceiling and helped a small person, possibly a kid (small hand print), through the hole.

The person then entered the home, presumably through the attic access, opened the door and they walked off with a computer, jewelry, etc...

This happened during the day and there were no witnesses.

The neighborhood is organizing a neighborhood watch.


I heard from a Puna Patrol Officer that a guy was arrested last night in HPP for walking down the street shooting a gun. Anyone know anything?
Last night around 6:00 I thought I heard someone shooting a 22. It sounded like it came from 24th and Makuu

Can cats catch this when they take bites out of rat carriers?

Cindy, the answer to this question is "no" -cats would need to eat slugs or other rat lungworm L3 infected raw invertebrates (like uncooked prawns) in order to become infected with the rat lungworm larvae.

Even if they ate a slug mixed in with their cat chow there is some question about whether or not cats may have some inherent protection against rat lungworm (Angostrongyloides cantonensis, specifically, as cats definitely do suffer infection from other types of lungworms) since there seems to be a conspicuous absence of reports of infection in cats despite food bowls being left out overnight where slugs could crawl in and be eaten. Cats may have some protective factors (as also seems to be the case for chickens and myna birds) working in their favor which humans, dogs, and other mammals lack.

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A pleasant slideshow:

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Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!

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Being a German Shepherd owner, and lover, I highly recommend them,, they are generally a stallward defender of their property and humans, but have sweet dispositions,,, our dog is so kind, gentle and mellow to cats, etc, but knows her job and at 85 lbs, is formidable

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