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mass transit failing (again, still)

Mass transit budget is $15.7M for a fleet of 55 buses == 285454/bus/year == 23787/bus/month, but this number is obviously much higher if calculated for the 20 buses that are actually running.

Currently, fewer than 20 of the county's 55-vehicle fleet are operational, forcing the county into costly daily rentals of tour company vehicles and school buses. Lease costs run about $60,000 monthly.

60000/35 == 1714/bus/month.

I'm sure someone can explain how I'm not doing the math "in the correct way", but it looks like County-owned buses cost almost 14 times as much as the rentals.

Seems like it would be more cost-effective to simply outsource the bus system.

Other points in the article are just depressing.

Hawaii County's original (double-decker) bus, bought new in 2011, are still awaiting parts...

Cash-handling was so lax, the legislative auditor couldn't tell if any money was missing, much less how much.

Employees have grumbled to the newspaper about Aranguiz' management style, but none wanted their names used.

This is one of the most consistently and horrendously mismanaged county departments. While there has been turnover at the top, shouldn't they be looking at the performance of the mechanics, schedulers, parts procurers, etc.? Somebody's not doing their job, but nothing can be done because they are all protected union employees. It's way past time to outsource or privatize the whole operation.
Pass a law that all County employees must ride the Hele On to work, including the mayor and upper administration.

Provision 1: if County workers do not arrive on time for work, payment for every hour late is docked, plus one additional hour. Salaried positions lose a paid vacation day.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
It's called County Workers Union. No one can be fired, disciplined, or docked. It's in their contract.Let's ask who among the County Council will request pay decrease during the next union negotiations. Then ask how much money they received from the unions.
New 2011 bus used here for approximately six months and has been waiting for parts for 7 years. Who was in charge? Bet they have retired on full pension or promoted to an even better county job.
I think you are making a leap on the amount / bus...
I am pretty sure they are not getting 35 buses for that $60,000 per month....
it may only be for one or 2 buses, at which it would be more expensive to lease....
AND the total budget is not just the cost of the bus/month... it includes the staffing (most routes have 1.5-3.5 full time employee drivers, plus support staff in maintenance & mechanical) plus fuel, repair parts, replacement of damaged equipment, liability costs, and even switchboard staffing plus administration.... all adds up!
Too bad they still keep all the mothballed vehicles...some so bus`up they won` never go....

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