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Uber & Lyft Begin Hilo & Kona Airport Service 2/1
Originally posted by leilanidude

What if you fly every few weeks?
I do.
I stopped flying out of Hilo and do Kona instead. I rent a car one-way for about $43 with taxes. Still cheaper than flying out of Hilo and the connections are much better as well as the times.

And you spend how much gas money and extra time crossing the Saddle to get to KOA in addition to the $43?
We come over to our house 4 or 5 times a year. Seriously thinking of shipping a car over and storing at our house, or at Shipman. Uber and Lift would make it so easy to be able to do that.

Living the life in Cali and Hawai‘i
Living the life in Cali and Hawai‘i
PaulW: "I’m glad this rip off taxi cartel is being broken up. I’ve seen it happen in other places and it has benefitted everyone, including the taxi drivers."

How do taxi drivers benefit when their cartel is broken up?
Because they are forced to compete and so they follow a lot of the improvements that Uber has implemented, like an app and pre-payment via credit card. A lot of people returned to using taxis after that, scared off by stories about rogue Uber drivers.
And you spend how much gas money and extra time crossing the Saddle to get to KOA in addition to the $43?
3 gal of gas and less than 2 hours. The extra connections from KOA combined with more flights at better times is well worth it.
How do you get the rental car, do they deliver it?
When you return, do you fly into Hilo or Kona?

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