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sunniest areas in puna
where do you think is the sunniest areas
My question is what's the least voggy place in Puna? How's Leilani?
The sunniest used to be the Kalapana coast, near Queens Bath! It probably still is, and I'll bet it'l be repopulated 5 years after flows stop!
Gordon J Tilley
Pretty much any of the neighborhoods along the Red Road. The closer to the ocean the better. Kapoho is also pretty sunny, and perhaps the sunniest or at least the least rainy.

within one-half to two-miles from the coast.

We are one mile in, on HPP 6th.
Lots more sun than just up the hill starting at about 14th.

When we installed net-metering PV solar on our house, a HELCO inspector came out to inspect it. He had a 'East Hawaii' road map book with solar radiation overlaid on each page -- it showed pretty much what I described above.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park

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