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Puna vs Costa Rica
[i]Originally posted by Les C
go to and click on the strawberry gold Eyelash Viper image. That's the form I saw & photographed. (I can't believe that someone is selling them!)

May be it's a good strawberry,but I don't want it in my garden!
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
I spent a year or so in CR, loved it , snakes and all .. I have friends that settled there and have a beach front b and b over by manual ortega park on the pacific side.

They can not travel together, if they both leave the chance of squatters protected by local laws are very real.
Never had any issues with snakes - even the little green ones in the ocean (maybe just one - swept into the cockpit by a wave!) - very toxic.

sure would like to send a few howlers and macaws over here though - it would give the place a more jungly feel - grin
The humidity = feeling hotter thread caused me to recall that when I was there in March 2007, at the Carara Nat'l Park on the Pacific Coast, it was soooo hot and humid! I'm amazed that people in our group didn't succumb! However, in the highlands, above 5000ft., it's pretty nice!
I was going to move to Panama, but ended up in Puna. If you need to know the ins & outs of ex-patting to Panama, ping me & I can tell you my personal experiences.

There's a lot that the web sites don't tell you. They're always going to tell you the good stuff, not the bad, and often they are very far from the reality of daily living in Panama. We read both those sites and snicker at how blatantly inaccurate some of their articles are.

One big change for Panama is that the law just changed so your visa only is vaid for 30 days - it used to be you have to go back to Panama City every month to renew your tourismo visa.

IMHO, Puna is a better bargain for land and building prices right now & you can legally work here Smile Food is dirt cheap in Panama. And if you can't handle 'island time' in Hawaii, being a gringo in Panama will kill you. I LOVE Panama, but prefer Puna for full time living.

I'm planning to head back to Panama in September - will probably look at buying again cuz I love the place so much. And yes, there's the snake thing...down there they kill you dead. Heck, the lot I had money down on had a jaguar that sunned itself in the road [:0]
* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *
Originally posted by hooligal

One big change for Panama is that the law just changed so your visa only is vaid for 30 days - it used to be you have to go back to Panama City every month to renew your tourismo visa.

The law was changed back to the original, you are good for 90 days again.

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