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We are towards the front of HPP & haven’t seen any centipedes in over a year; but, in the last week we saw a small one run across our lanai, & then found a really large dead one near the base of a ti plant in our lava landscaped yard - yuck! Has anyone else been seeing them? Wonder what killed the large one as it looked fine - if a centipede can look fine!#128561;
Drowned? The recent rains are likely driving them out from under the rocks. Rats tend to get worse during rainy periods, too.
Since the advent of the noisy Coqui in Puna I rarely see centipedes and assume the frogs have eaten their eggs. I'll never understand why people are so paranoid about bugs, if we didn't have them we wouldn't be alive, they do their important part in keeping the cycle of life going on this planet. And they are cute and very interesting. It saddens me to witness so many new human transplants to the island act like little sissy girls upon viewing some bugs and run for their cans of Raid. Please respect the bug, thank you.
It's too bad we can't find a natural predator for red fire ants.
"Please respect the bug, thank you."

Are centipedes native to Hawaii? I don't know, but if I find one in my house only one of us is going to survive.

Here's a juicy video of a centipede killing and eating a mouse:

"It's too bad we can't find a natural predator for red fire ants."

LFA does have a natural predator or two unfortunately none of them are native to Hawaii. They say the Hawaii blind snake eats ants and eggs, I wonder if they eat LFA?

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