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The Graffiti at the Skatepark Needs to Stop NOW!
I was at the skate park today, and noticed the fencing is almost complete.

There was a guy there skating who was pretty damn good.

He mentioned how the skatepark would be so much better if the Cement didn't have the Spray paint all over it.

I know Rob T mentioned to me personally that he doesn't give a rip about the graffiti as long as it doesn't have swear words and stuff because it kind of came along with the whole skating culture, however, it is now a problem.

The Problem being, the wheels on the skateboards can't grip to the cement where there is Spray Paint.

Which actually makes it a safety hazard as boards slip out from peoples feet.

This was coming from someone who was really ripping it up over there.

The question...

What could be sprayed on over the spray paint that would still allow the tires to grip to the cement?

I can't think of anything except that would help this except if people would quit spray painting more stuff.

It is the way... the way it is.
I would respectively disagree. Grafiti is a componant of the skate culture, and doesn't effect traction of modern compound wheels. This expert may have been pushing your leg. Ask ten skaters about the grafiti, and nine and two thirds will say: "sick" (this means good).

Give the kids a place to express themselves and you'll see less spraying elsewhere. These aren't gang tags, folks.

Guarens, any effort to stop spraying at the skatepark is going to result in an increase of grafiti where it's less apropriate.

For those of you who are going to tell me that NO grafiti is appropriate; I'd ask you to poll the kids at the skatepark. It's their spot, their culture; leave them alone.

I may even put on a workshop in the creative use of stencils and templates. sick.
Gee -

Ok... guess you know I don't know anything about skating [^]

Well, I was just kind of passing a message along that this skater told me...

I don't know why he would try and pull my leg[B)]

It is the way... the way it is.
The cement could be roughed enough for traffic with a concrete brick or block, passed over the cement enough times and it will remove the paint enough to get traction. Somthing the kids can do, mabe resulting in them keeping the paint on the wood!

Every few months paint the wood, making a new "canvas" which would increase the structures longevity!
Gordon J Tilley

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