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“Growing Pains”
(07-17-2023, 09:58 AM)Olohana 1790 Wrote:  and if you put a road through their land there, that will just open up many miles of agriculture land with stuff getting stolen.

The argument that putting a road through AG land will result in increased AG theft is NOT A REASON NOT TO BUILD A ROAD!

Fences, dogs, cameras, etc.  It's called the cost of doing business!

It is very practical to route a new road through maki land which is not agricultural. Bring the route near the shore and connect to Puainako.
route a new road through maki land which is not agricultural.

But that would go through the Shipman compound, unless they created a Haena Beach bypass around it.  With that little inconvenience out of the way, think of all the ocean front parcels they could sell!  
Looks like we just might need a whole bunch of those ocean front parcels!
From my understanding when I researched using the coast road for evacuations during the 2014 and 2018 eruptions, no federal monies are available if the project is located in the tsunami flood zone. The county and/or the state cannot afford to do it without those funds.

I'm all for using Railroad Ave as the connector going from lower Puna to Hilo.
(07-18-2023, 09:01 PM)HiloJulie Wrote: Looks like we just might need a whole bunch of those ocean front parcels!

The housing problem is like everything else the government bureaucracy has caused.  I remember filling out a Hawaii county (or maybe it was state, I don't remember) survey about things they could do to improve/encourage local production of food.  My answer was succinct:  Get out of the way.

Wrong post for wrong thread!
It’s a shame. Used to stay there way back when. It was “charming”, with the garden and little stream running through it.

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