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Hawaii girl swimmer phenom??
I been getting back into swimming over the past 4 or 5 years.  Growing up here I always thought I was a good swimmer and just took it for granted as I was in the ocean often.  A few decades ago, during a semester in college here at UHH I had space to fill in my schedule and took a swimming course for an easy credit and stress relieving class.  I learned a lot and realized I wasn't doing it right all this time growing up and it opened up new doors for me with my confidence in the water.
   I used to go to Poho'iki all the time but since the lava changed it all I go to Hilo instead.  Richardson's beach park is hard to beat.  Every year (minus covid year recently) there's an event they hold there.  The Richardson's Rough Water swim.  A one mile race.  It's usually in July but this year it was held in October because of construction improvements going on there during the summer.  But anyways it happened yesterday, the 22nd.

  They separated the swimmers into two heats so they wouldn't be crowding each other out in the start at that narrow beach opening into the water.  If you've been there you know what I'm talking about.  The first heat was the age group 15 through 49.  The second heat was ages 14 and under and also 50 and older.  That second group started 5 minutes after the first.  The overall first place winner and first swimmer out of the water was a 13 year old girl that started 5 minutes behind the main group!!

Were talking an elite time by a very young Hawaii athlete.   Mind boggling speed.  Her 11 year old sister finished 10th too.  

Props to women power here, they finished 1, 2, 3 overall.
Yeah! You go girls! All the way!

Thanks for this great post.


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