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Sustain a Green Hawaii - web resource hub site

Such a wonderful resource!

Every area in the USA --and overseas as well-- could benefit hugely from having a site like this excellent one which Gary Petrison has put together for the Big Island and state of Hawaii.

Sustain a Green Hawaii

Much of what Gail Tverberg (the Actuary) is saying in the currently ongoing Oil Drum discussion "Is Hawaii Sustainable" is of substance and concern, yet if anything can defeat doom and gloom it is pragmatic concrete positive action steps toward education and implementation -exactly like this advances.

This service is also, IMHO, a good example of local businesses participating in making healthy and productive long-term investments in building genuine community. A big "Mahalo!" to Island Trust for putting this resource hub together and maintaining the site.
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Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!

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What a great site.

Mahalo for da link & aloha to Alaska.

Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Interesting site and I appreciate the attempt to cover so much so well.
However,I've got 2 issues:
(1) a few points put up warning flags (he gives 135,000 as population on this island, while the number is more like 175,000; he doesn't seem to realize there are tens of thousands of acres of fair to good quality soil (derived from volcanic ash) substantially in Puna, but also in Ka'u and Hilo Districts -- beneath invasive jungle -- in Puna this is land that produced sugar less than 40 years ago and a smaller amount that produced coffee and other crops less than 80 years ago. The ability to do so much with tree crops on pahoehoe is also absent.
(2) my epiphany for the year: it is impossible for me to articulately interact in a stimumlating philisophical online discussion of sustainability and actually get out and do the work waiting at my doorstep -- work that is very enjoyable and fulfilling and is simply: doing sustainability.


James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park

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