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Bye Bye Bags... Council Approves Ban
So, if a store has plastic bags bundled at 10 for 1 cents for sale near the checkout counter, and a consumer buys a bundle or two and ask for their groceries to be placed in their Bring Your Own Bag as outlined in the regulations, isn't that legal as the law is written?
[}Smile] [?] [Wink]
Originally posted by Bob Orts

So, if a store has plastic bags bundled at 10 for 1 cents for sale near the checkout counter, and a consumer buys a bundle or two and ask for their groceries to be placed in their Bring Your Own Bag as outlined in the regulations, isn't that legal as the law is written?
[}Smile] [?] [Wink]

...good (if mischiveous) question re legal hypotheticals. Smile

...a store would lose plenty money at that price. ;?

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
thanks for that distinction -- definitely, the issue is about 'pass through' / throw away / dispose-all use of polystyrene that results in it being scattered all about and wreaking havoc on various life forms in the process.
Gotta keep it from gettin' loose in the land, the water, or the air.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
Originally posted by james weatherford

...good (if mischiveous) question re legal hypotheticals. Smile

...a store would lose plenty money at that price. ;?

No, a store would make money. Right now they give the plastic bags away free. After the ban they would be giving away the more expensive paper bags. If they have consumers buying bags or bringing their own, and not having to give away any bags, Duh, they made money!

It's not a mischievous legal question; it's my belief it's the heart of why just token opposition was made over the ban by the retail industry. The law was written by rank amateurs who were so blinded by the concerned over banning plastic bags, they couldn't see the loophole they wrote into the law. The sale of plastic retail bags is not prohibited by the law. Consumers can use anything they want for their purchases including plastic bags they just bought.
No, a store would make money. Right now they give the plastic bags away free. After the ban they would be giving away the more expensive paper bags....

Actually, they aren't giving the bags away free, they raise the prices on groceries to cover things like costs.

The way they could make money though, is they might increase their customer base from those people who still enjoy their plastic bags.

I know some people who say...."Paper Inside of Plastic Please" and as a former grocery store courtesy clerk back in the days.... that used to irritate the heck out of me.

*edit* sorry for the mumbled post

OK, we shall see.

Is a bag that a store gives away -- with stuff in it just bought by a customer -- deductible as a business expense? Merchandise (including a bundle of bags for sale) isn't.

Does a bundle of bags take up shelf space that would other wise be used for merchandise sold at a markup rather than for less than purchase (as proposed for a bundle of bags)? Could be.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
Now dog poop has the price!
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
This is how the stores circumvent this regulation.

They charge a $.05 whatever fee Cent Bag Fee for each bag they send out with a customer... that county collects.

This then tells the County that they are actually selling the bags instead of just giving them away.

Orts has a great point.

I wonder which store will be the first to try and circumvent this new law.

Heck... Why not start a HI-1 program? Where you charge people $.02 cents for each bag then give them $.01 cent for each one returned? Sound familiar?

Originally posted by james weatherford

First things first: ban polystyrene...

A Molokai school has recently done this. They are the first school in the state to ban polystyrene.


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